The new one Minister of Sports, Luz Cristina Lópeztalks about what his work will be like at the head of the portfolio, which has recently been the subject of controversy.
The new one Minister of Sports, Luz Cristina Lópeztalks about what his work will be like at the head of the portfolio, which has recently been the subject of controversy.
Panorama: “We have received everything at the junction. There are urgent issues that we must address once and for all. The situation of contractors. We have some concerns.
What there is. “We see that there is a very important burden on officials. “Mindeportes, today, has been changing, but the adjustment process has not been made in the internal structure and the work team is stretched to comply.”
Luz Cristina López
The urgent thing: “In the first semester, athletes seeking to qualify for the Olympics are a priority. We cannot leave aside what remains.”
The calendar: “The idea is to move forward to comply with them. It is part of everyday life and the Ministry. There are profound things that we must take care of now. We stage what is there. Building the policy clearly gives us a route, but also looks at where the Ministry is going. Focusing on putting out the fires will not be the main thing, but we have to look beyond.”
Less bricks: “Give social coherence to the bricks. “It is not only giving satisfaction to the infrastructure, but also to the children and Colombians who are happy in those settings.”
Debts to athletes: “It is part of the sensitive issues. We know that by resolution they are paid in the next term. In that order there is a ladder in the order and in the time to deliver that to the athletes. First, that they meet the requirements, document the administrative. The other thing is that for that to happen inside we need the team to be operational, but we have few officials and that delays everything.”
Federation Money: “Part of the contingencies is the prioritization of the federations so that athletes and para-athletes have guarantees to seek their classification. There are prioritized sports and federations that have qualifying events soon enter the list. That is the scale of priorities. “The contracts will be signed soon.”
Eradicate violence in football: “On April 4, the first national commission will be held and the regulations will be approved so that the entities can act in this regard. This Friday there will be a technical table with the Police, Dimayor, Mindeporte, Mininterior to discuss the presence of the police and for the clubs to assume responsibility for logistics and security. “We don't want violent people being part of sporting events.”
Pan American Games in Lima: “It hurt us to lose the headquarters. It still hurts us thinking about what could have been. The lessons learned are many, but one is to be able to know first-hand in order to keep commitments. When there are cities interested in the events and they carry out their process, then the Ministry must be seated in the first instance in these conversations. You have to be part of the process and when that doesn't happen, there are barriers. Another is that we have to remember that we are a system, there are different people and we all act differently.”
Sport table: “We like to see athletes concerned. Talk to Cecilia Baena, she is part of that group, and I told her that we were in the process of building the work tables. It is important that we go to those tables and tha
t I was going to see a central table of athletes and para-athletes. “They know we have made progress.”
Women's League: “There are 8 billion for support. “We have not sat down with the Federation, but the resource is appropriate.”
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