At the beginning of ‘adolescence’, even before everything rushes, a seemingly daily conversation between two detectives anticipates a key event, nothing routine, from the Netflix series. «[Carraspeo] Good morning, dad. The gut hurts like the other time. Can you miss class? His partner laughs, inside the car. «And does it send it to you at six in the morning? How exhaustive. He doesn’t want to go, right? Seconds later, the Walkie-Talkies warn them that you have to start up. They start and enter a house, force a family, in underwear, worried about how they destroy their things, without understanding anything. And they stop Jamie (prodigious debut of actor Owen Cooper), 13, a child who pee in the scare bed, the benjamin of the house, accused of killing a classmate by knife. The frivolity of a banal conversation that precedes the catastrophe, to misfortune. Isn’t life like a bit like that? Unpredictable even when you think the ground you step on, the hand that accompanies you is firm and solid. When, even if the future and the world scare, you feel that everything is safe at home. The contrast, the sudden clash between these two scenes, dissects ‘adolescence’ much better than any scalpel: it is a series that goes far beyond the politicized reading that they wanted to find between lines, with the influence of the light, the empire of machismo and its consequences. ‘Adolescence’ is even more than those immersive sequence planes that sneak into the viewer in the intimacy, dynamite, of the protagonist family. It is a series that is measured by the confrontation, by the duality, between the sweetness of a child who asks for chocolate clouds with the chocolate and the aggressiveness of the one who shouts, suddenly, to the psychologist with whom he was being kind. Among who is one inside and outside his room, with his family, at school, on social networks, in the face. Between wanting to look away from a video, but not being able to take your eyes off. It will believe until you see and still want to trust who you want. It goes from bullying, rejection and misunderstanding, system failures, the generational gap. Of guilt, family. And of love, and how it hurts. Say what they say, ‘adolescence’ goes from life.
#Lucía #Cabanelas #Adolescence #good #title