The passage of the IVO Borrasca through the Peninsula has caused hundreds of incidents on Wednesday, the suspension of classes for thousands of students, cuts in electricity supply and affectations to air, rail and sea traffic. The storm has been noticed above all in Galiciawhere wind bursts have reached 166.5 kilometers per hour in Viveiro (Lugo), although they have also been affected, to a lesser extent, Bilbao and Cádiz.
Ivo’s consequences in Galicia have been noticeable mainly in the early hours of the day, with 212 incidents until 11.00according to the Emergency Service 112 of the Community. Most have due to branches on the tracks, problems with light or telephone cables and small landslides and flooding, to which two traffic accidents are added in Ourense and Pontevedra caused by the hailstorms.
Viveiro, in A Mariña, is not the only area where The bursts have exceeded 100 km/h planned, Since in Cedeira (A Coruña), also on the North Galician coast, the 137.5 km/ha have been reached at 7.50 and, on the Costa da Morte, to the west, a burst reached 129.3 km/ha the 6.00. In height stations, more than 900 meters, the wind has also blown intensity, with bursts of 157 km/h in Carballeda de Valdeorras, in Ourense, at 09.10 hours and 146 km/h in Muras, in Lugo.
Before the forecasts of the strong winds associated with the pass Suspension of classes for some 9,000 students in 15 councils of A Mariña. The direct of the CEIP Vista Alegre of Burela, José Manuel Díaz, has highlighted the importance of “preventing” and “making decisions like this” to avoid “major evils.”
Incidents in Galicia
Despite the hundreds of notices in Galicia, no injuries linked to the storm have occurred, According to 112. However, a car has hit a collector fallen in the street on Avenida de Val Miñor in Nigrán and another has collided with a tree in A Estrada, both cases in Pontevedra, while, in Miño (A Coruña ), a driver has called the emergencies to inform that he had suffered an accident, also against a tree, and did not know if he had met him or fallen on him.
In Vigo, firefighters have had several exits to meet problems due to the fall of trees or branches, which cut the circulation in the street or count of military at 09.00. In Tui, emergency services have rescued A vehicle that was trapped on a road when bumping with an accumulation of water that covered up to the middle of the car door, while in Pontevedra an ambulance has suffered damage when a tree fell on him when he was on Vigo Avenue.
At noon, the hailstorms have caused track exits at kilometer 39 of the OU-536 road and in 274 of the A-52 as it passes through A Cañiza (Pontevedra). Ivo has also caused ravages in several buildings, with detachments on facades from a building on Avenida del Bierzo de O Barco (Ourense) and an uninhabited house of the City Council of Cambados.
On the other hand, electricity supply problems have once again affect thousands of homes in Galicia, as has already happened in recent days due to problems associated with weather inclement. Around 2,000 customers have stayed this Wednesday without lightof which there are still 1,300 for recovering the network, according to Naturgy.
Intense rainfall, with accumulations of almost 50 liters per square meter in points of the province of A Coruña such as Santa Comba or Rianxo, have caused floods in homes of Ames and O Pino that have required the emergency intervention. The attention also continues on the Galician rivers by the high flow that has given the successive rains for almost a week. Thus, the Special Plan for Risk of Floods in Los Ríos Azúmara (Reuntentille), Mandeo (Aranga), Mendo (Betanzos), Tambre (Oroso and Valdo Dubra), Lérez (Pontevedra) and Miñor (Gondomar).
Affected transport
Due to bad weather, Renfe has suspended the circulation of some medium distance trains in Galicia Alleging “adverse weather conditions” with a road transport plan for certain connections, mainly between Ferrol and A Coruña. Also, for a few hours the traffic between Ferrol and Ribadeo was interrupted by a tree on the tracks, although Adif has reported that the incidence has been solved and the service has been restored.
In Vigo’s estuary, Maritime transport between the city and the municipalities of Cangas and Moaña has been suspended due to weather conditions. In the case of Moaña, the service has been suspended waiting to check if the evolution of time allows you to resume it; Meanwhile, the Vigo-Cangas line is also not operational, “until new notice,” the Ons Mar company has reported.
Similarly, in Cádiz, The port of Tarifa has registered cancellations in the outputs to Tangier, accumulating three days with suspended maritime connections due to adverse weather conditions in the Gibraltar Strait area. Although the Africa Morocco Link ship has communicated the cancellation of its departures planned at 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., the FRS Iberia departures have not presented cancellations.
For its part, at Bilbao airport, Five flights have been canceled and five others that had to take land have been diverted For the intense wind. Also, air traffic has been affected early in Peinador (Vigo), while in A Coruña and Santiago El Viento has hindered operations.
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