Dragon Ball Daima is a new Dragon Ball animated series that will propose new adventures with a “child” version of various historical characters. Its release (in Japan, the western version has not yet been confirmed) is not too far away and little by little new information about it is arriving. Now, for example, we can listen to the opening theme.
In the video below, you can listen to the opening theme of Dragon Ball Daima produced by Zedd, with lyrics by Yukinojo Mori and featuring CLIEVY and KEEN of C&K on the mic.
Dragon Ball Daima Theme Song
Zedd released the following statement on producing the Dragon Ball opening theme song Daima on the anime’s official website: “I was incredibly honored to be considered to produce the music for Dragon Ball. I grew up a huge fan and never thought I’d get to work on something like this. I’ve always aspired to write theme songs and soundtracks. To compose music for something that influenced so many years of my childhood is an incredible dream.”
Let’s remember that Dragon Ball Daima will be sent airing in Japan starting October 11thwhich is the same date as Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero, the 3D fighting game that will continue the saga known in the West as Budōkai Tenkaichi.
Speaking of the video game, Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero has explained all the details of the Battle and Tournament modes with a new trailer.
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