The BORRASCA LAURENCE will leave locally strong and persistent rainfall In the southwest peninsular, occasionally accompanied by storms with the possibility of tornadoes on the Atlantic coast on Monday, the day in which five autonomous communities have Yellow notice for rain.
Thus, in Castilla y León, Castilla La-Mancha, community of Madrid, Extremadura and Andalusia (with yellow warning also for storms) The rains will follow This Monday, according to the prediction of the State Meteorology Agency (Aemet). Laurence will approach the west peninsular with associated fronts that They will leave very cloudy skies or covered in the Peninsula and Balearic Islands and rainfall that will affect most of the southwest peninsular half.
Precipitation could reach other points of the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands, being unlikely at the northeast and the Cantabrian. On the contrary, in Western Andalusia more abundantbeing able to be strong and/or persistent and be accompanied by a storm without ruling out the occasional presence of tornadoes on the Atlantic coast. They are foreseen Probable snowfall Weak in the main mountain environments of the Peninsula, with a rising level throughout the day, from 700/1,000 meters to the beginning to 1,400/1,800 meters.
In the Canary Islands it is likely that the cold front tail associated with Laurence will leave weak rainfall in the north of the islands of greater relief and in the orientals. Morning mists in the northeast peninsular with a probability of being persistent in southern Huesca and Ribera del Ebro in Zaragoza.
This Monday Maximum temperatures will increase In most of the peninsular Atlantic aspect, notably in the Cantabrian and in the central system and will descend in the peninsular southeast and the archipelagos. The minimums will increase in the Canary Islands, southern and west peninsular and northeast extreme, without major changes in the rest.
They will blow lazy winds increasing to moderateof southern and west components in most of the Atlantic Peninsula aspect, while in the rest and the Balearic Islands will predominate the east component. It is likely to reach intervals of strong and/or very strong gusts in coastlines of the Cantabrian and Gulf of Cádiz, without ruling out a very strong streak on the Cadiz coast at the end of the day. In the Canary Islands, moderate winds from the north.
Prediction by Autonomous Communities
Galicia: Cloudy skies, tending to cloudy intervals in the afternoon and little cloudy at the end of the day. Probability of some weak rain or isolated showers in the southern half in central hours of the day. The snow level will be around 1,000-1,200 meters in the morning and in the afternoon will rise above 1,800.
Ascent temperatures, except the maximum in the southern half, where they are expected without changes or in slight decrease. Weak frosts in high areas of the eastern half. East of the lazy east, which in the end will be afloat variable, and in the lazy interior with predominance of the east component.
Asturias: Cloud in the mountain range and cloudy intervals in the rest, without ruling out in the afternoon, inside, some weak rain or isolated showers. The snow level will be around 1,100-1,300 meters.
Temperatures will rise, which will be light in the minimum and most accused in the maximums. Weak frosts inside, which will be more intense in Cumbres. Wind will blow from the east on the coast, moderate with strong intervals in central hours of the day, tending to love at the end, and inside the east of the east tending to variable at the end.
Cantabria: Little cloudy, with cloudy intervals in the afternoon, when a weak rain or isolated showers is not ruled out inside. The snow level, around 1,200-1,400 meters.
The minimum temperatures with few changes and maximums on the interior that inside can be locally remarkable. Weak frosts inside, locally moderate in summits. The wind will be from the east on the coast, moderate with strong intervals at the central hours of the day, tending to love at the end at the end, and inside the east of the east tending to variable at the end.
the Basque Country: Little cloudy with cloudy intervals at the beginning and starting at noon, when no weak rain or scattered show is not ruled out in Álava. Minimal temperatures without changes or slight decrease and rising maxims. Weak frosts inside and east wind, which will be moderate on the coast and lazy inside, increasing moderate in the afternoon.
Castilla y León: Cloud intervals, tending to cloudy or covered. In the southwest rainfall is expected, from weak to moderate during the day, which can be persistent in areas near Extremadura. In the rest probability of occasional weak rainfall in the second half of the day. The snow level will be at 1,200 meters in the southwest and 800 in the rest, rising to 1,800 and 1,400.
The minimum temperatures without changes or in slight decrease and the maxims without changes in the northwest and rising in the rest. Weak frosts, which can be moderate in the east and mountain areas. The winds will blow from this or variable, lazy with moderate intervals.
Navarre: Little cloudy with cloud intervals at dawn and in the afternoon, when no weak, scattered and occasional rain is not ruled out. The snow level will be at 1,000-1,200 meters, to rise in the afternoon to 1,400-1,600 meters. Minimum temperatures without changes or in slight decrease, and the maximums on the rise. Generalized weak frosts and the southeast windy wind, with moderate intervals on the Ebro banks in the afternoon.
Rioja: Cloud intervals, tending to cloudy or covered in the second half of the day, with probability of occasional weak rainfall. The snow level will be between 800 and 1400 meters. The minimum temperatures will be in slight decrease and the maximums on the rise. Generalized weak frosts, which can be moderate in the mountains. The winds will blow from the east component, lazy with moderate intervals.
Aragon: Cloud intervals, with mists and morning mists in lower areas of the east of the community, which would be locally swimming. Weak or moderate rainfall in southern Teruel. The snow level will be around 1,000-1,200 meters, ascending up to 1,400-1,600 throughout the day.
The minimum temperatures in general in descent and the rising maxims, except in the southern end where they will descend. Weak frosts, which can be moderate in the Iberian and promptly strong system in Pyrenees. The variable lazy winds, tending to Southeast lazy from the morning, with occasional increases in intensity in the west of the Ebro Valley and five villas.
Catalonia: Cloud intervals with mists and morning fog banks at points of central depression. Probable early early early in the northeastern part of the region. Snow level in the Pyrenees around 800-1,000 meters.
Temperatures without changes or in light ascent. Moderate frosts in the Western Pyrenees without ruling weaker in adjacent areas. The wind will be lazy variable, tending to predominate the southern component in central hours; In the coast it will be from a loose to moderate component, Rolando to South, weak component, from noon.
Estremadura: Cloud or covered with moderate, locally persistent rainfall, especially in the Sierras of the North and South, can occasionally be strong and with storm and hail. The snow level between 1,300 and 1,800 meters.
The temperatures will rise or remain unchanged and the winds will blow between the south and this moderate, with strong intervals in the south.
Community of Madrid: Cloud or covered, without ruling mists and fog banks in the mountains throughout the day. Weak and showers throughout the community, which can be persistent in the Sierra. The snow level will initially be located at 1,000-1,200 meters, to rise to 1,600-1,800 meters at the end. Precipitation will be in the form of snow in the mountains until noon.
Minimal temperatures without changes and maximum with few changes. Weak frosts in the northern half and moderate in Cumbres de la Sierra. The wind will be lazy from the Northeast, turning southeast in the afternoon at the southeast end with moderate intervals in the southern half of the community.
Castilla-La Mancha: Cloud or covered, without ruling mists and fogs scattered in the mountains of Cuenca and Guadalajara during the early morning and night. Weak rains to moderate and showers throughout the community, which could be more frequent and intense in the westernmost third and without ruling out that they can be accompanied by some isolated storm.
Snow level initially at 1,000-1,400 meters, rising to 1,600-2,000 meters at the end of the day. Precipitation in the form of snow more likely during the morning in the mountains of Cuenca and Guadalajara. The minimum temperatures in light ascent in Toledo, Ciudad Real and Albacete; The maximums on the spot and mountainous areas, in descent at the eastern end and without changes in the rest. Waterized weak frosts in Guadalajara and the Serranía de Cuenca, which will be locally moderate in summits and parameters. The wind will be lazy to moderate from this and southeast.
Valencian Community: Cloudy or very cloudy sky with rainfall, generally weak. The snow level will rise from about 800-1000 meters to about 1,400-1,600 to last hours in the north interior.
The minimum temperatures with few changes. except ascents in the southern third; Maximum in generalized descent. Weak frosts inside the northern half. Wind will be lazy variable, tending to predominate the east component, in general the second half of the day, moderate in Alicante.
Murcia region: Very cloudy skies, with rainfall to moderate. Minimum ascent and maximum temperatures in descent, which will be locally remarkable. The winds will be lazy variable, tending to the east component, moderate in the Campo de Cartagena and lazy in the rest of the region.
Balearic Islands: Cloud intervals with some occasional and isolated showers in Menorca and northeast of Mallorca at dawn, increasing during the morning to cloudy or covered, with precipitations in general weak and preferably in Pitiusas. Night temperatures with few changes or slight ascent and diurnal descent. The wind will be lazy to moderate from the north component turning in the afternoon to this and northeast.
Andalusia: Very cloudy skies with moderate and generalized rainfall, which will be locally strong, persistent and accompanied by storms in the western third. Snow level around 1,700-2,000 meters. Brumas and morning mists. Minimum ascent temperatures; The maximums on the eastern interior and without changes in the rest. Winds of lazy to moderate component, increasing strong with very strong gusts on the Atlantic coast.
Canary Islands: In general, heavens with cloudy intervals throughout the archipelago, being little cloudy during the central hours of the day. Probable weak rainfall during the early morning in northern El Hierro, La Gomera, Tenerife and Gran Canaria and with low probability in Lanzarote and Fuerteventura. From the afternoon the cloudiness will increase to cloudy, without ruling out weak rains in interior areas of La Gomera, Tenerife and Gran Canaria.
The minimum temperatures in slight ascent and the maximum in slight decrease, which will be more pronounced in interior areas. The moderate northwest wind, with strong wind intervals in the southwest and northeast slopes of the Western Islands. In Central Summits of Tenerife, moderate from the Northwest and can reach strong during the morning.
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