Laura Tedesco was found dead this morning: today she would have turned 46
A shocking news shakes the world of journalism in Veneto. Laura Germanesteemed journalist of the Courier of Venetowas found dead in her home on the morning of her 46th birthday. The most likely hypothesis is that a sudden illness was fatal.
Last night, Laura had left the editorial board of Verona, where he had always worked, reporting to colleagues that he did not feel in good shape. This morning, not answering calls or viewing messages, he went off the alarm among friends and colleagues. The firefighters intervened promptly but, unfortunately, it was already too late.
The entire journalistic and regional community expresses unanimous condolences for the loss of such a respected professional. The President of Veneto, Luca Zaiawanted to remember Laura with words of great esteem and emotion:
“With deep emotion and sadness, I learned of the passing of Laura Tedesco, an esteemed journalist of the Courier of Venetowho passed away today, on her birthday. Born in Montebelluna in 1978, Laura dedicated her life to journalism, becoming a respected and authoritative voice in the regional information landscape. Her long career was characterized by constant commitment, impeccable integrity and an extraordinary passion for the search for truth”.
Zaia then added his deepest condolences to Laura’s family, recalling her talent and professional skills.
Laura Tedesco was known for her integrity and commitment to telling the truth, becoming a point of reference in regional journalism. Her passing leaves an unfillable void in the hearts of those who knew and appreciated her. Colleagues of the Courier of Veneto They remember her as a serious professional and a person with a big heart, always ready to help and support anyone in need.

The community of Montebellunawhere Laura was born and raised, gathers around the family in this moment of deep sorrow, fondly remembering a fellow citizen who brought honor to her land through her work and dedication.

The date of the funeral will be announced in the next few days. In the meantime, as a sign of mourning, the editorial staff of Courier of Veneto has decided to suspend publications for a day, dedicating the time to remembering and respecting his deceased colleague.
#Laura #Tedesco #died