He Spainsat ng ithe innovative Spanish satellite, which will offer safe communications to the armed forces of Spain, but also to the European Union and NATO, has Takelled this Wednesday from Cape Canaveral (Florida) in a Falcon 9 rocket of Spacex as planned at 20:34 local time (02.34 time in peninsular Spain).
The satellite has taken a trip to Its destination about 36,000 kilometers away from Earthin the geostationary orbit, where 29th east will be located. It will operate in the X, KA and UHF bands and its useful life will be about 15 years old.
It is the most important project in the Spanish space sector to date. It is the most advanced secure communications satellite that has ever been built in Europe and, probably, is at the height of the most important in the world, according to Miguel Ángel García Primo, general director of Hisdesat, the Government Satellites Operator owner of the SPAINSAT NG YO.
Those responsible for Hisdesat are shown Optimists regarding the success of the launch Taking into account that Florida’s atmospheric conditions are quite favorable: it is not a time of hurricanes, heavy rains or great storms.
Three thirds of the Earth
The satellite will serve the Spanish Armed Forcesbut also to NATO, thanks to the technological advances that it incorporates, and countries such as the United States, Portugal, Norway and some others that are close to incorporating.
Until now there are only four nations that offer safe satellite communications to the Atlantic Alliance by meeting its rigorous standards: United States, United Kingdom, France and Italy.
Spain is going to join this restricted club. Together with its twin, the Spainsat NG II, which will be launched foreseebly in October, will cover two thirds of the Earth, from Denver (United States) to Singapore, in the Asian continent.
Able to geolocate interference
With dimensions of 6.7 meters high, 2.7 meters wide and a weight of almost 6 tons, the satellite will be launched to the geostation orbit, about 36,000 kilometers away from Earthbeing its useful life of about 15 years and will operate in the X, KA and UHF bands. It is protected against the electromagnetic pulse that would generate a potential nuclear explosion in the high atmosphere and is able to geolocate all kinds of interference that arrive from any point on the earth and defend themselves in front of them.
Its active transmission and reception antennas X, co -financed the active transmission and reception antennas X, unique in Europe and developed by Airbus Defense & Space Spain, are one of the main innovations that the satellite incorporates. They can define the coverage area very precisely, so that it can almost be drawn with a pencil. In addition, with them they can be geolocate very precisely each of the earth signals.
An investment of 2,000 million
A consortium led by Spain (with more than 40%) with Spanish and French divisions of the Airbus and Thales companies has carried out The development and manufacture of the spainsat ng I and II. The total cost of the program has been about 2,000 million euros, of which the Ministry of Defense has contributed 1.3 billion. It has also had the support of the Ministry of Industry and Tourism through a reimbursable loan, and of Science, Innovation and Universities.
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