The actress remembers her childhood and tells us about her character, her garden, maternity and her pride to face old age
It arrives at the theaters of the channel with ‘Music for Hitler’
On April 3, a day after the premiere of the ‘Music for Hitler’ in the theaters of the Canal, Kiti Mánver He will have an encounter with the public: «I love that spectators see the actors in jeans and discover what is behind a text, a character. Everything that is knowledge is enriching». In this work by Juan Carlos Rubio and Yolanda García Serrano, the actress plays Francisca Vidal, Tití, «who feels a deep love for a man like Pau Casalsthat is at a ‘God level’, in the artistic and personally, that faces a decision that can change his life. The work demonstrates the moral importance of knowing how to say no ».
“How difficult it is to talk about the same!” Exclaims the actress when asked about the personality trait than she feels more proud: “The insistence,” he decides, finally, “because despite the difficult moments of this profession, I have never surrendered. The most complicated thing is to stay. And if you have to work in a bingo, then you do it. You have to look for life and take everything as learning. The constancy is key ». That’s why fighting any hint of laziness: «When I finish a tour I just say that I don’t want to do anything. The only thing I feel like taking care of my urban garden, which is a way of feeding my spiritual side. Approaching nature is a natural tendency of the human being. We must aspire to want few things and settle for those that unite us to the earth, such as planting a garlic and waiting for it to grow. Or a tomato. And then eat it, there is no more incredible.
Kiti is a bit skeptical about inner peace: «That is for Buddhist monks. We, as long as there are inequalities, we will never find it. If everyone does not have it, nobody has it ». But, on the contrary, he believes in the altered states of today’s world: «I can’t with liesor how it is used. I can’t keep calm when I see people how they repeat it without realizing it ». Although he is already 71 years old (he acknowledges that he does not bother her to call her ‘old’, he proudly carries it: “I am very good for the age I have”), the issue of calm is relevant in his life: “I have been very imprudent. I didn’t like being explosive and say things as I said. I have needed therapy for anger control. I no longer say the things that happen to me by my head, I try not to be such bocazas. It is not about cutting me except.
If there is something that has marked his life is motherhood: «And he did it for good. I have learned more, I have seen the world with my son’s eyes. You grow, you work the patience and many things that you had not even questioned before. You are alert and suddenly discover doing things you hated your parents. Fears enter you, but all these processes serve you to grow, even the mistakes, as long as you do not stay from them, in plan ‘if I had …’ »and in love, kiti confesses a romantic:« Look that I look borrictedbut then I am one who cries when he listens to love songs ». We all have our unconfessable secrets.
THE PHOTO: Kitita, a lizard tail
It really is called María Isabel, «but Kiti is not artistic name but homemade name, because my twin brothers called me a kit, and in the end I stayed with the diminutive of the nickname ». That girl was “restless, funny, hyperactive, although at that time it was not said so, it was said that it was ‘lizard tail’.
There were 9 brothers, «we had a great time, but we were a nightmare for our parents. I was a bit ‘Macho Perico’, come on, I behaved like a boy. We played a lot among us at home. I’ve always been very familiarmuch more than social, but I also had my friends. Still, when I go to Malaga, I meet two or three of them and remember those times ». His father, who ascended to commissioner, had weakness for writing: “The fondness of reading comes to me.”
And his passion for the theater was born early: «Already in school, in Melilla, I mounted a function that was A jokes based on jokes». He even brought the scenarios to the neighbors block: «The rope of the clothesline was the curtain of those theater. Even today, when I go on tour, Canturreo and I get the joy for those memories ».
Upon reaching adolescence, Kiti became more withdrawn: «I took good small grades, but when moving to Madrid my studies were affected. Then, the city opened my eyes. The same thing happened to me when I got to the world of theater. I was 16 years old, I came from provinces and a nun school, I didn’t know anything in the world. Suddenly I ran into a group of free people. It hit me. Then I adapted. I had conditions for interpretation, but not training and I put myself to it ».
#Kiti #Mánver #needed #therapy #anger #control