On May 18, the sixth episode of the anime premiered. Kaiju No. 8known as ‘Dawn hunting operation in Sagamihara’ in Latin America, and the manga’s creator, Naoya Matsumoto, celebrated it with a new design.
It is the one that you can see in this same note and that highlights two characters, which are Mina Ashiro, the captain of the III Division of the Defense Corps, and Soushiro Hoshina, who is the vice-captain of this same team.
In the art of the author of Kaiju No. 8 Mina can be seen carrying the enormous cannon that is her main weapon, and Soushiro wielding a sword, a weapon with which he is very skilled.
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The illustration, which Matsumoto shared on Twitter, is accompanied by a message. In this he says that he couldn’t have it ready before the announcement of the new episode but currently it is already available. So this is their way of promoting it a little more.
With the sixth episode of the anime Kaiju No. 8 The Sagamihara Neutralization Operation Arc begins. Those who have already read the original manga surely know what will happen but fans who only know the anime want to see it for themselves.
On this occasion Kakfa Hibino, the protagonist of the story, will undertake his first combat mission as part of the Defense Corps and will be accompanied by those who passed the exam.
The kaiju in this series take on very different forms and we will have to see both the newest episode and those that follow to appreciate what Production IG and Studio Khara have in store for us.
The latter, which is also the company behind Rebuild of Evangelionis the one behind the design of these monsters.
There are still several episodes of Kaiju No. 8 to appreciate the work that this pair of animation houses is doing, so all that remains is to stay tuned.
Apart from Kaiju No. 8 We have more anime information at TierraGamer. Follow our news on Google news so as not to miss any.
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#Kaiju #Creator #Celebrates #Animes #Sixth #Episode #Super #Illustration