Just 24 hours after Oriol Junqueras, President of ERC, the medal of announcing a decision that must be approved, first, in the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council and, then, in Congress, and that will mean that the government of … Spain assumes 17,104 million euros of the debt contracted by the Generalitat of Catalonia through the Autonomous Liquidity Fund (Fla), in Junts they have indicated that this amount is not enough and they have left open the door for those of Carles Puigdemont They lay the initiative in the lower house, which would frustrate the agreement reached between the socialists and the independence of ERC.
In a press conference, from the Parliament of Catalonia, Mònica salts, Vice President of Junts and number two of the party in the Catalan Chamber, has been responsible for informing that the agreement announced by Junqueras, this Monday, is not enough. “The experience shows us that it can be another tease of hair, that they do not want Proportional part that we will have to pay the Catalans will be the same »and in Junts they are not willing to” thank anyone “because the money requested to Fla is, in their opinion, the Catalans.
Thus, the leader of Junts has insisted that the foronation that affects the Generalitat will be about 200 million euros per year (in interest), a figure that does not solve the financing problem that, as this formation has been defending, It would be solved with the secession of Catalonia, since, according to the calculations of the independence parties, Each year Spain plunges 22,000 million euros to Catalonia. What they call “fiscal deficit.” Therefore, “Junts’s proposal is that of the total condonation of the FLA for Catalonia, which is 73,000 million euros,” he added.
Juns marks “The Agenda”
Sales, who has criticized the agreements of the Generalitat-State Bilateral Commission, signed yesterday in Barcelona, by, also insufficient, it has been congratulated, however, that Juns marks “the agenda” to the Government from Salvador Illa (PSC) With, for example, the increase in the template of the Mossos d’Esquadra, up to 25,000 agents by 2030, and the transfer of the management of the secretaries, the auditors and the treasurers of the municipalities, although they will continue to be enabled national , a position that does not share together.
If finally those of Puigdemont do not vote in favor of the removal for all regions, in a law that will be taken to the Congress and that will include the damage of the debt of the general of the Generalitat, the measure could fall since the PP and Vox have criticized the initiative. Sales has left this possibility open. “Junts will decide in Congress at the time and Junts will express his position.” But he has insisted that “coffee for all is not the Junts option, what we have defended from the beginning is the condonation of the totality of the debt of the FLA.”
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