The Congress of Deputies attended a sperm scene that synthesizes the fixed photo of the Legislature on Thursday: endless armed police to the teeth escorted a condemned for jihadist terrorism who attended the commission of the investigation of Barcelona in Barcelona in Barcelona and Cambrils of 2017. Parliamentary research was launched a year ago for being one of Carles Puigdemont’s demands to Pedro Sánchez in exchange for his investiture. Mohamed Houli was summoned at the request of Junts, which encourages the theory of conspiracy of the involvement of the CNI in the terrorist attack. And his spokesman, Pilar Calvo, was completely alone in the defense of that theory and also in his words of empathy to the condemned in parliamentary headquarters. “I am sorry for a 20 -year -old boy to destroy life in this way,” he said. Not a single from the rest of the political forces of the congress followed its steps.
Formations such as ERC, PNV, EH Bildu, Sumar or the PSOE unmotive of that thesis fed by those of Puigdemont according to which the CNI knew about the plans of the Islamist cell and even so did not prevent them to make the independence procés derail. Government members lashed out at one of the terrorists convicted of an attack that cost the lives of 16 people. The PP, directly, left the commission. At the same time when the terrorist scattered softera and alleged revelations that he did not count in the trial in which he was convicted, the leader of Junts himself publicly paid his words publicly.
“Lighter cannot say it, and probably few people like him may be able to formulate this accusation. They have dedicated so many years and public money to manufacture the delirious Russian plot that they have not had resources to investigate the jihadist plot they had inside home, ”said Puigdemont on their social networks.
The image of absolute solitude of Junts this Thursday was paradigmatic, but not surprising. In recent months, Catalan right -wing independence have starred in sounds displaced to the Government of Pedro Sánchez, such as the requirement of a matter of trust, which in principle will not take place. Episodes that reported media focus, but that have distant him, little by little, from other parliamentary groups. It happened with matches such as EH Bildu, BNG or we can account for the tax to large energy companies that contributed to knock off their seven votes. And it also happened later with the PNV by the decree of pensions or the negotiation of immigration competencies.
“It is a very delicate issue and in which there are enough rights in Liza. It is very easy to manipulate it and that unleashes low passions. We are talking about the future of people. And wherever they are, they must be treated with human dignity, ”said the outgoing president of the PNV, Andoni Ortúzar, when asked about the Junts position, whom he recommended” lower decibels “and not fall” into populism. ”
The Basque nationalists, with close ties with the independence or sovereignist Catalan right, also did not understand that the seven votes of Junts added their strength to the PP and Vox to knock down the famous Omnibus decree which included the revaluation of pensions, transportation aid or the return of a building in Paris to the PNV. And they also spoke that Carles Puigdemont was in a matter of trust to Sanchez that not even a single forces that supported the investiture even contemplated. “We are in a delicate moment of the legislature and each one has to do what it does, but you have to be colder, be more reflective,” said Aitor Esteban. Among the Government members, the PNV had also refrained when approved the controversial list of appears investigation into the attacks of the Rambla, on which there is already sentence, convictions, and constant shadows of suspicion sown by Junts .
Although with antagonistic positions in social or economic measures, other forces such as EH Bildu or Podemos had seconded the Junts party at crucial moments of the procés and even in the impulse to the amnesty law when the legislature started. But that has also changed in recent months after the succession of displacements to the Executive.
The general secretary of Podemos came to call “puppies” of Repsol both the PNV and those of Puigdemont for its defense of the interests of large energy companies. And he asked Pedro Sánchez to stop orbiting his policies in the Catalan independentists: “The PSOE has been telling the country that Junts is a lion, when they demonstrate again and again to be kittens. They are using Puigdemont’s excuse not to do what you have to do, lower the rentals at once, ”said Belarra.
From the Tribune of Congress, and in full debate on the decree of pensions, there was also an unusual scene, when confronting EH Bildu with together in account of his sense of vote. “If they vote against the decree, they are not harming the government but to the Basque citizens, the Catalan, the Galician or that of the entire State. We come to protect Basque citizens, not to put our partisan interests before. We expect sensitivity and coherence because if not, pensions do not upload, ”Mertxe Aizpurua snapped at the Junts bench.
In the middle of a crossfire with ERC, which comes from afar by post-process tensions within Catalan independence, the generalized sensation in the set of political forces that try to aim a parliamentary majority to support Pedro Sánchez is from tired . “Here we all make an effort and face wear against our electorate to keep a government standing that, no matter how not the panacea is not better than the alternative of the ultra -right. And these permanent zancadillas that maintain the Legislature in Point is a problem for all, ”reflects a deputy of one of those political forces asked about the drift of Juns.
In the PSOE, meanwhile, they strive to stand the battered bridges with Puigdemont. The sensation between the socialist ranks is that the internal balance made by the independentists of their portz to the decree of pensions and their ultimatum with the issue of trust was that they went wrong. And that is why they amended their position in both cases and resumed the dialogue channels for a negotiation on the migratory competences that are still fought.
There is conviction in the Moncloa that Puigdemont and his seven deputies have given enough signs that they squeeze but do not drown. And that, no matter how frequent it begins to see some trusted men of Feijóo, such as deputy Guillermo Mariscal, depart in private with Míriam Nogueras or Josep María Crust for the halls of Congress, there is no real will to make the Government and open the door to a PP executive with Vox. That is why the PSOE maintains the interlocution with Junts permanently alive. Therefore and because, however alone they are, their votes are equally decisive as always. It is also the ultimate reason why a terrorist convicted of a serious attack could sow his conspiracy theory in the Congress of Deputies.
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