In ERC the blood was about to reach the river last December. The vote of the presidency candidacies, to which Oriol Junqueras aspired, Xavier Godàs I Helena Solà, was poisoned in such a way that it was necessary to go to a second round and that, despite that, the leader was re -elected by the minimum. In circles of the party, the fear of a possible internal rupture came to spread. But, three months later, Republicans are celebrating the second part of their congress far from that guerracivilist climate and Junqueras has at the same time reaffirm their leadership and calm all rival families.
The Directorate of Junqueras has demonstrated this Saturday its ability to agree confrontated sensibilities when it has ensured that 90% of the militancy support the political presentation, drafted by, among others, the deputy secretary attached Arés Tubau. A document that speaks of the defense of the Catalan nation “from the left” and that seeks, in the words of Tubau, “a balance so that the different ways of understanding independence can live together.” In addition, a relationship with Catalan socialism is defended that “combines confrontation with collaboration.”
The process of amendments to this text is a good sign of the interest it generated in the currents that faced Junqueras last December. 867 amendments were presented, a “historical record”, as Tubau said. Of those, 133 were directly iced in the text, while 427 have been transacted. A long task that nevertheless has allowed to agree with the most unilateralist secresses with A republican agora, led by Joan Tardà, who intended to open the game to non -independence, something that he has not finally achieved.
The independence training celebrates in Martorell the face -to -face part of its conclave. In addition to the political presentation, this Saturday, the statutory paper will also be voted, one where, a priori, greater clash. Since the candidacy of Godàs, who led the opposition to Junqueras, amendments had been presented to limit the president’s powers and even prevent him from being a candidate in the elections. Some claims that, however, the candidacy itself has ended up withdrawing before the vote.
Another of the controversial issues of the Congress is the decision of the guarantee commission of decaffeinating the “Truth Commission”, which had to present some conclusions about what happened with the insults posters against the Pasqual brothers and Ernest Maragall that, as it was learned later, had left the structures of the ERC itself. Initially, Junqueras had raised an almost plenipotentiary commission, but guarantees has ended up rejecting that his investigation is voted and will not allow public signs.
Sunday will be the turn of the vote of the strategic document and the conclusion of a Congress that, if nothing fails in the management plans, will be proof of his desire to subtract wounds in the formation and that will finally be in junction to Junqueras as a leader with his hands unleashed to mark the course.
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