It was Tuesday when designer Juan Avellaneda fired all the alarms to be Emergency entered by a respiratory problem without knowing too many details and has not been until now when he himself has updated his health status with A hopeful message With an excited thanks to all those who take care of him and have worried about him during these difficult days.
Juan Avellaneda is admitted to the Teknon Medical Center in Barcelona and from there he has issued a statement to reassure everyone. «I receive thousands of consultations on my state every day, so I want to take advantage of this moment to update and to thank from the heart. First to the entire Teknon Hospital team: nurses, auxiliaries, doctors, cooking and the incredible customer service that Malcría every day, ”he started.
«Thanks for the passion, effort and desire you put in your work, and for making me feel so well treated. There are no enough words To describe how important it is at such times and how easy you do everything, ”he added at the beginning of his message.
Every day is a little better
Juan Avellaneda has confirmed that everything has been due to “a scare with the respiratory system” and wanted to go to the public scene with this statement because he knows that “There are people worried and very scared asking»For your health. “I want to reassure you because, within how serious it could have been, everything is controlled,” he said.
Not opening, it remains admitted despite the fact that at first only 72 hours were going to spend in the hospital to monitor the evolution of the treatment, so it has not been little waiting to have it back home. «Finally it is being more than a week after many are nervous, but Everything is controlled And the important thing is that I am in the best hands and every day a better, ”he said.
Juan Avellaneda has not wanted to ignore the countless samples of affection he has received during these days. «I want to thank all those who have sent me messages of support and affection. I read each of the comments that you left me in the photo I upload, and do not imagine how much they excite me. Each word gives me strength and reminds me how lucky I am to have you close, even from the distance, ”he said.
“Life can change from one moment to another”
Of course, the disease and hospital admission have made him reflect on higher categories and has commented: «If there is something that we should not forget, life can change from one moment to another and give us scare that remind us how fragile as are. That’s why, It is essential to take care of us, pamper us, listen to our body And, above all, do what we are passionate about. Take advantage of every day, enjoy the little moments and value our health as the most important gift we have is something we should never ignore, ”he said in his statement.
Juan Avellaneda has shared his reflections with several photographs that reflected good times before falling ill. «I have preferred to put these images last week because They give me good vibes and good energyand I think it is better to transmit that positive energy to make you a update of how I am, ”he explained.
The end of his statement has been entirely hopeful: «Very soon I will go back more desire than ever. We will make a thousand videos, we will comment hundreds of looks and, above all, we will enjoy together. Thanks for being there and for all your love ».
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