Jaime Mayor Oreja, at the Senate anti-abortion summit: “The scientists who defend the truth of creation against the story of evolution are winning”

The former Minister of the Interior with José María Aznar, Jaime Mayor Oreja, has been one of those in charge of opening the anti-abortion summit being held in the Senate this Monday. In his speech, the former politician, who has promoted and is part of several organizations that seek to overthrow the rights of women and the LGTBI community, launched a statement in which he defends creationism, the doctrine that denies the theory of evolution and Darwinism: “Among scientists, those who defend the truth of creation against the story of evolution are winning,” he stated.

Mayor Oreja, who has become a leading figure against abortion, sexual and reproductive rights or euthanasia at a global level, has participated in the welcome table at the meeting organized by the Political Network of Values ​​(PNfV, for its acronym in Spanish). English), an organization that has managed to unite 200 attendees from 45 different countries in Madrid to share ideas and strategies with the aim of overthrowing rights.

“I have just been in Paris at an event of the Federation in defense of life and I have been able to verify that the majority of French philosophers today defend our positions. And that, among scientists, those who defend the truth of creation against the story of evolution are fundamentally winning. That’s why we don’t have to have any fear. We are winning despite the fact that the dominant fashion is still rabid and angry with us,” said the former minister, honorary president of the PNfV and promoter and member of many other similar organizations such as Neos, One of Us or Valores y Sociedad.

“We are pointing to the heart of the debate in the Western world. Therefore, we should not be surprised that, in addition to calling us fundamentalists, they call us ultras simply for defending the right to life and a conception of the person based on Christian anthropology,” added the former minister, who has been widely applauded and called ” teacher” by several of the representatives of the global extreme right who have spoken subsequently.

These are not the only notable phrases that Mayor Oreja has left in his speech, which began by describing as society’s “main problem” the attempt to “replace a social order based on Christian foundations with an implacable social disorder” in which “abominable fashions.” “We confront the unhealthy obsession against Christian foundations, the contempt for science and a perverse manipulation of history, the reinvention of Europe and the Western world. All of this that I just described has become dominant fashion,” he continued.

“Slavery was also an abominable fashion,” he compared before celebrating that “this cultural battle has been reopened after the elections in the United States,” after which “the culture woke up has taken a step back and those who defend abortion have been defeated” who, however – he has warned – “will continue.”

The summit continued with the intervention of the Chilean José Antonio Kast, currently president of the PNfV, and the participation of prominent voices from the Christian extreme right at an international level: from representatives of Orbán’s Hungary and Meloni’s Italy, to American congressmen or the Spaniards Ignacio Garriga, general secretary of Vox, or the former senator and general director of innovation of the Government of Cantabria, Javier Puente.

#Jaime #Mayor #Oreja #Senate #antiabortion #summit #scientists #defend #truth #creation #story #evolution #winning

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