The Internet has greatly favored globalization, which has meant that it does not matter where the seller or the buyer is, that the purchase will be able to be made and will be able to arrive without problem to the home of the person who buys it. This has led platforms of Chinese origin to become the most popular in the online market, since they offer very low prices that practically no one can match.
However, these platforms They have a dark and even illegal side, and although the app itself does not violate any regulations, it is the sellers who use it who do. This is because on platforms such as Aliexpress Products that are replicas or imitations of leading brands proliferate at a price well below the originals, but they are not advertised as such and although when the product arrives it has the brand and all the corresponding logos, they do not appear in the photos that promote it.
But fakes are not the only illegal thing that we can find on platforms like this, and we must keep in mind that since it is a global website, the same laws do not apply, so something that is legal in the seller’s country may be illegal here or vice versa.
As far as Spain is concerned, here we are governed by the approval of the European Union, and as a Spanish Aliexpress user has had to discover the hard way, is that You cannot buy and receive any product you find on said platform.
This is because in addition to not receiving the item you ordered, you have had to pay a fine of 800 euros. Apparently, this user is a gun collector, and while browsing Aliexpress he found and bought aAn automatic knife for less than 20 euros in this store.
While he was so happy because he was going to complete his collection, When the package went through customs control, the Civil Guard intercepted it. Spain has stricter legislation than other countries since prohibits the unauthorized purchase of edged weapons such as knivesexcept for exceptions such as use for historical recreations, which the user did not comply with.
For this reason, the authorities sent a certified letter with the fine to the buyer’s home, These types of sanctions range from 300 to 30,000 euros. We hope and assume that the buyer has learned and that this serves as an example for other users, although you can buy it, it does not mean that it is legal, especially when we make international purchases.
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