“It is affecting me a lot, it never ends”: why there are people who carry so bad that it rains without stopping

Intense rains of recent weeks have sown an environment of despair and derachory. It is as if the entire cities had been trapped in a subway car on a Monday at nine in the morning. There is an altered mood. People don’t walk, just run away. They are disastrous days for smokers, although some would not turn off the cigar or floating. Even so, it is likely that in a couple of months many remember these days with longing when the thermometer exceeds 35 degrees. Then they will evoke that time when, when asking “how are you”, the answer was always the same: “Well, you see, with this rain …”.

This has been one of the rainiest Marshals that are remembered. Precipitation accumulated in Spain until March 16 exceeded in 64% The usual mean. In Catalonia, drought restrictions have begun to be lifted, while in cities like Seville there have already been two weeks of rain, of the three that go from month. In Madrid, in addition, a record has been beaten since the records began at the Madrid-Retiro station. “This is a nightmare whore,” says Carlota Regueiro, sitting on a roofed terrace that barely protects her from the storm. “It really is affecting me a lot, it never ends.” To top it off, the Manzanares River, next to its house, has multiplied its flow by 15 in the last hours. Last Wednesday, Emergencies Madrid alerted neighbors about a possible overflow that affects roads and highways in the region.

In the Netherlands, a study From 2017, 291 people diagnosed with seasonal affective disorder (TAE), a form of depression that cyclically appears with the arrival of autumn and winter followed during six winters. The objective was to understand how the weather influences – beyond the change of station – those who suffer from this disorder. The results revealed that weather oscillations from one week to another, such as a particularly gray, cold and humid streak, can intensify depressive symptoms even in a period already gloomy. Factors such as the duration of sunlight, global radiation and air temperature proved to have a direct impact on the mood of patients.

Lara Martos, a young Malagaña, confesses that, accustomed to good weather, she has trouble enduring these gray and cold weeks. “If I think about it, almost the only time I have seen it rain, it was in October, during the Dana week, although luckily my people, Fuengirola, was not the most affected.” He assures that the rain immediately covers in his mood: “The problem is that it is constant, not five hours and you can not go to a terrace with your friends because you go flying or get soaked. It is becoming heavy.” Even so, he tries to see the positive part: “At least the reservoirs will have been filled.”

Good weather invites you to leave your home. The bad weather to protect yourself in a closed place. Being in social activities we experience more positive sensations than in solitude

Juan Molinero

Juan Molinero, a psychologist, explains that one of the reasons why rain affects us is because our social activity restricts: “Good weather invites you to get out of your home. The bad weather to protect you in a closed place. Being in social activities we experience more positive sensations than in solitude.”

“The truth is that lately alive obsessed over time,” says Carlos Noriega, a 27 -year -old from Madrid. “I have realized that I use rain as an excuse to justify any negative situation.” Noriega, who qualifies the “very depressing” situation, has decided not to consult the weather predictions: “It is infernal to start the week knowing that it will rain the next seven days.” And it also tells the problem he has experienced with the treguas and the brief suns of the last weeks: “As soon as the sun appears, we become a little crazy. The other day I caught a meaningless drunkenness on a Tuesday just because two sun rays came out. The raw hangover the next day was not worth it.”

Bad weather does not affect everyone equally. A study Made in China in 2016, he analyzed the responses of almost 21,000 people about their depressive symptoms under different weather conditions during the same day. The results showed that the type of climate lived during the day influences mood, and that cloud days are more linked to depressive symptoms, especially in men and in people of medium or advanced age.

The custom of each one also influences the rainy seasons. Francisco Lago, a resident in Madrid for 10 years but originally from Santander, has proven these weeks that he is not so immunized against the flood as he thought. “I believed yes, but I suppose that, after so much time in Madrid, I have lost immunity. As a raincoat who runs out of wax,” he says. Even so, it retains the habit of leaving even if it rains, something that – by their experience – “people raised to the sun” do not usually do. “That it rains is not synonymous with me to stay at home,” he says. “Because if I had done it, I would never have left the kid.” It ends, like many in this report, with a phrase of resignation against Borrasca: “disastrous Bajoneras weeks.”

These weeks have also demonstrated how immensely diverse the human being is. There are those who, either by environmental consciousness or for personal reasons, thank the arrival of bad weather. Eva Santiago, a 26 -year -old cinema professional, enjoys a good time on a terrace taking vermouth with her friends, but also values ​​the positive aspects of the rain, who invites her to stay at home and relax. “I feel that if there is not a month of rains like that, I do not stop. I love knowing that I can be at home without leaving,” he says. The weather affects it physically: suffers migraines and tension is lowered, so it does not consider going out. Instead, take advantage to do introspective job, meditate and analyze. “Since it could not be, there is no other than investigating inward,” he explains. “The good weather will come, and then it will be time to enjoy it.”

Extreme temperatures, rain, humidity and cloudiness are associated with an increase in negative feelings and a positive reduction

Other studymade in the United States between 2009 and 2016, analyzed more than 3.5 billion publications on Facebook and X (then Twitter) to determine if the weather influences the mood expressed in social networks. He concluded that weather conditions have a clear and measurable impact on shared emotions: extreme temperatures, rain, humidity and cloudiness are associated with an increase in negative feelings and a reduction in positive, even in publications that do not mention the time directly.

In these publications, opinions of all kinds have been seen and read: from denial of climate change that They reproach to the Aemet its drought predictions, even memes and comments of great ingenuity. Among the most repeated is the one who points to the people who celebrate the bad weather for the good of the planet: “Good morning: less to those who say that it is necessary to rain after 11 days of constant rainfall,” says a user in X. “That it rains that it is needed. I personally do not need, in fact, it takes away the desire to exist. I am very alicantina other. “Does anyone remember that brilliant thing in heaven?” ask Ironically a user on Instagram.

Perhaps it has been in the south, especially in Seville – which these days has accumulated more rainfall than areas of the north such as Asturias and Galicia – where ingenuity has been unleashed. Jorge Cadaval, from the Morancos, published a video With Galician accent, supposedly acquired after so much rain in his native Seville. “Carallo, like Chove,” joked the humorist, “Verdina is already going out in my eyelids.” One of the assemblies More viral in X replaces the Triana bridge with the Tower Bridge in London, accompanied by the text: “A two -story bus goes to Triana.” Otheralong the same line, replaces the Giralda by the Big Ben, thus completing the transformation of the Andalusian capital into a new British water capital.

The rainy time has also monopolized many conversations in various WhatsApp groups, which in some cases become improvised therapy forums to cope with the bad weather with the best possible mood. In those chats you can read messages as beautiful and hopeful as the one Luci Lozano sent last Tuesday to the group that he shares with his two floor companions: “Something that always happens and that I did not discover until the first time that I rode on an plane is: above the clouds there are always always sun! The cloudy days always imagine an plane taking off and passing the clouds and fiuuum! Clarity, light, blue, blue.”

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