Water rates in the Community of Madrid, which had been frozen for ten years, ends this year. This was explained by the government spokesman, Miguel Ángel García Martín, who has presented the new strategic investment plan of the public water company, … Canal de Isabel II, by the years 2025-2030, which will involve an expense of 2,000 million euros to improve the service. Once you approve and start up, the rates rise will proceed, which according to their calculations will mean “half euro per month for middle users.”
Water rates in Madrid had been frozen for ten years. But that measure now comes to an end. The Minister of the Presidency has justified it for the need to undertake new investments, and has indicated that it will barely half a euro per month for the update of rates for an average user, and about 13 cents per month for vulnerable users.
In addition, he points out that as the measure will add a 3 percent annual update during the five years of the investment plan, when it comes to an end, in 2030, there will be 3.5 euros more per month for the average user in The receipt, and 0.85 euros more per month for the vulnerable.
They point out that the bimonthly amount will be, for the average user, 37.2 euros in 2025, a figure has said much lower than that of Barcelona “where 80.5 euros are paid, or Bilbao, with 51 euros on average” , and 60 percent below what is paid in European capitals.
Regarding the investment plan, they will mean 2,000 million euros between 2025 and 2030, with objectives such as the improvement of collection, treatment and renewal infrastructures of networks, avoid water losses, reduce weather effects or digitize the network.
#Isabel #IIs #channel #announces #freezing #water #rates #rise #years