This Monday, lottery fans have a new opportunity to be happy and, like every January 6, the lottery is celebrated. Extraordinary Draw of the Children’s Lottery. Although it is not as popular as Christmas on December 22, this event distributes a lot of fortune, especially for the first prizes: just to give an example, the first prize takes two million euros per series.
Many experience it as a second chance after having had little or no luck in the Christmas raffle or as an illusion to recover some money after the usual expenses on these dates. In addition, it has also become a tradition that many people who come to pinch something on December 22, or who get a refund of the money they played, reinvest it in this second date with the drums and the balls.
In addition, it must be taken into account that the Child raffle has three big prizes but also numerous minor pinches, known as stones. Thus, there are prizes for approximations with the winning combinations or with certain numerical endings. With this letter of introduction, it is normal that many are encouraged to participate in this giveaway. These are, specifically, the Children’s awards.
One third of the numbers, with a prize
To begin with, the first prize is awarded with 200,000 euros per tenth, while the second number in the draw is equivalent to 75,000 euros per tenth and the third, 25,000 euros per tenth. The luck does not end here and that is 37,920 numbers Of the 100,000 that enter the game, they are awarded in one way or another.
The draw draws two four-figure extractions and delivers 350 euros to each tenth who has them in their latest figures. Similarly, it has 14 three-digit withdrawals (at 100 euros per tenth that ends with those three figures) and five two-digit withdrawals (at 40 euros per tenth with matching figures).
Approaches and winning finishes
Furthermore, the Child has approximations with prize. Thus, the number before and after the first prize will obtain 12,000 euros per series, or what is the same, 1,200 euros per tenth. Likewise, the numbers before and after the second prize will receive some money: 610 euros per tenth.
There is more winning finishes: holders of tickets with the last two and three figures of the first or second prize of the Three Kings’ Day draw will also receive 100 euros per ticket.
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