In Spanish cities, finding a free place to park the car often becomes a task that entails a significant loss of time for driversbecause there are fewer and fewer free parking spaces.
For this reason, some drivers choose to rear-facing parking on two-lane streetsa situation that is quite common. In short, many drivers ask the question about whether this maneuver is legal according to the traffic regulations of the General Directorate of Traffic.
What do the regulations say about this circumstance?
The answer is nohe General Traffic Regulations specifies that “when on urban roads it has to be done on the road or on the shoulder, the vehicle will be placed as close as possible to its right edge, except on one-way roads, where it may also be placed on the left side.” ”.
Therefore, Parking in the wrong direction can be a reason for a finealthough the General Directorate of Traffic considers this infraction to be minor, so the fine will only be 100 euros, and you can also benefit from the discount for prompt payment.
What is the fine for parking in loading and unloading?

After the approval of the last reform of the Traffic Law, it was indicated that economic sanctions would be homogenized throughout Spain. However, the fine for parking in an area designated for loading and unloading during the corresponding hours varies according to the municipal ordinance of each town hall.
Therefore, if the city council establishes that The violation is classified as minor, the fine would be only 100 euroswith the possibility of benefiting from a prompt payment with a discount of up to 50%. But in the event that local regulations rule that these parking spaces are serious, the penalty can rise up to 200 euros.
How to park correctly online?
First of all, it is necessary to reduce speed and signal the maneuver with the turn signal. Then you have to stand parallel and align the rear backrest of our car with the front end of the vehicle that we take as a reference. Subsequently, you must direct the direction of the steering wheel and engage reverse gear. until we see the two headlights of the rear vehicle through the rearview mirror on the opposite side.
At this point, we place the steering wheel straight and We reverse until we touch the curb. with the rear wheel. Finally, you have to turn the steering wheel to the right and move forward little by little until the car is squared in the place we have chosen to park.
#legal #park #rearfacing #DGT #responds