Is Feijóo safe that he wants to go to bed with Aldama?

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A week ago, he wrote here about the star appearance of Víctor de Aldama in the Iker Jiménez program. It was not for getting into the field of television criticism. After all, the Popular Party has incorporated into its political speech the complaints of the commission agent for several crimes as if they were unquestionable. That includes giving a letter of credibility to the accusation by Aldama on an apartment with “ladies” (wink, wink) for which former Minister Ábalos and Minister Torres appeared and a few more things. What Aldama says goes to Mass, according to the PP, which never stops communing in these acts.

I did not plan to insist on the same, but the Supreme Court has left the ball by throwing in the small area and I have no choice but to push it to the network. Judge Leopoldo Puente, who instructs the Ábalos case, had to respond to the request of a businessman to complain against Aldama for accusing him of giving bribes in exchange for public works. Bridge has told him that it is not necessary to hurry. In a car, he affirms that these imputations “rest in this time only in statements, not minimally contrasted, unhoving to reput solid indications.” Aldama told Jiménez that he had already presented many tests, ”he said the same in an interview at Cope. The reality is that the judge communicates now that there is no more evidence than Aldama’s word. The indications are not solid and the statements are not contrasted by anything.

The judge also writes something that is quite logical. We must understand Aldama’s comments as part of his right to defense. “Surely aspire to obtain some kind of criminal benefit linked to the eventual application of the analog attenuating circumstance of confession.” You have to see how the judges write. Translated into romance language, it means that Aldama, like any defendant, aspires to benefit in the event that he is convicted and that his collaboration with justice is taken into account. Obviously, it may be lying. The judge does not know it yet waiting to receive evidence.

After Aldama declared before the judge that he had paid bribes to several socialist leaders, Alberto Núñez Feijóo announced that there was no longer to wait. Pedro Sánchez had to resign. “What anyone did with decency is to resign, leave and leave the Spaniards alone,” he said in Congress. He encouraged government partners to join him in a motion of censure that is not willing to present. “It is only the number one of this plot. I do not say it, says the summary. ” More than the summary, Aldama said it in the same part of his statement as the Judge of the Supreme Court, he says that it is not so much, because he is not minimally contrasted.

The week has had several judicial moments of those who leave their mark. There was an especially comic. The ultras groups that make up the popular accusation in Begoña Gómez’s investigation went to the Judge Peinado to ask him to cover a little. Do not get carried away by the passion of attacking Moncloa. All that is very good, but he has to pretend that he is the investigating judge who seeks evidence without prejudice. He had ordered the imputation of Gomez’s assistant in Moncloa without having argued. The accusations seemed very good, but, of course, you have to explain the reasons. It can’t be that you do it because you get out of the toga. More considering that you are imputing a person you have called to declare before as a witness, a very common practice with that judge.

It is not that they are teaching him – he should already know some right to his age – but that they are worried that the Provincial Court annuls the decision or supposes a possible reason for nullity of the cause that the defense could take advantage of. That is like saying: Let’s see, hairstyle, put the batteries that your fudge allow Gomez to get rid.

In another judicial battlefield, there are so many that it is difficult to get lost, the Attorney General has reacted outraged because the Civil Guard has sent thousands of “absolutely unnecessary” data on his phone. All that documentation has been delivered by the judge to the person person in the instruction. It includes personal data about him, former Attorney General Dolores Delgado and other people.

It shouldn’t surprise us. The attorney general is being investigated with the same weapons that are directed against a drug trafficker or a terrorist. All because it occurred to him to deny the bully launched by Miguel Ángel Rodríguez. Isabel Díaz Ayuso Cabinet Chief wanted to report a great conspiracy against the boyfriend after he recognized the prosecutor who had committed two fiscal crimes. The interference in the privacy of García Ortiz and a lot of people is easy to interpret. If you do not dimite, you will suffer what is not written.

Trump is a danger to Europe

Trump in the signing of the decree that imposed tariffs on the importation of steel and aluminum.

Frankly, with allies like Donald Trump you don’t need enemies. The US president has confirmed in less than a month that the alliances that his country has maintained for decades interests nothing. Or they are not a priority, since there are more important things. That is a problem in Europe, where its leaders do nothing but show off their special, permanent or friendly relationship with Washington. After conforming not to assemble much noise so as not to cause the beast, in the end they have had to surrender to evidence. They have a serious problem and do not know what the solution is.

This week, Trump has signed the order for which the US will impose tariffs virtually all its commercial partners, starting with European countries. It is the end of an era that has lasted 75 years since Washington decided that free trade was the option that favored its interests, in addition to its main allies. More serious was Trump’s announcement that he had spoken with Putin to start a negotiation process with which to end the war in Ukraine. That would have undoubtedly positive consequences for everyone, but it matters more right now to know if that will be thrown to the Ukrainians. The entry position of the Trump government is that the idea that Ukraine can be part of NATO and to recover its territories that Russia now occupies is not realistic.

I have written a long article about this moment that is unpublished in the history of relations between the US and Europe since 1945. To understand it, it may see He had “eternal allies” or “perpetual enemies”, only his own interests.

Let’s see how you increase military spending because an ally demands that is actually threatening you every day.

The photo and the scam

Milei believes a superhero.

This is One of the halls of the residence of the olive trees, where the president of Argentina lives. Javier Milei has placed several journal covers such as Time or The Economist dedicated to him on his walls. But what is of traca is that painting that appears to the right. Milei, characterized as Wolverine, the character of ‘X Men’ movies. We are not going to enter the good or bad taste, since the Kitsch has its supporters. But that distorted ego that makes a politician create something similar to a Hollywood film superhero is so disturbing that only a psychiatrist could establish a precise diagnosis.

An Argentine psychoanalyst would not be enough. Probably, he would end up hitting a shot.

Something like that will be thinking of those who have lost their money for an alleged cryptocurrency that was promoted by Milei from their Twitter account. Actually, everything looks like a scam in which the promoters launched the product and withdrew with the benefits after thousands of unsuspecting bit the hook. Many of them did it for Milei’s enthusiastic recommendation. The president kept the tweet for six hours and then erased it by saying that “It was not internalized of the details of the project ”.

The opposition wants Congress to investigate Milei’s fraud and responsibility. “Being president is not playing to be tweeter; Governing is not a joke and the country is not a timba, ”said Senator Guadalupe Tagliaferri, of the Conservative Pro Party, ally of Milei. Others were tougher. “Milei directly involved in cryptographic fraud. He has crossed all moral limits, what he posts is made to steal. It cannot be doubted: cause of political trial, ”wrote liberal economist Carlos Maslatón several hours before Milei erased the tweet.

#Feijóo #safe #bed #Aldama

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