The long -term final data of a clinical trial carried out in 181 hospitals around the world have confirmed that The Niraparib drug is beneficial as maintenance therapy for women with advanced ovary cancer; And the patients had received this enzyme inhibitor Pl after having responded to the first -line treatment of chemotherapy based on platinum.
In depth
“The study shows that twice as patients with genomic instability in the tumor and that they have received maintenance with Niraparib are free of progression or death at five years in front of patients who did not receive it“said the director of Cancer Clinic Center University of Navarra, specialist from his gynecological cancer area and principal investigator of this trial, highlights that the study, Antonio González.
The importance of these results, according to Gonzálezit is explained by “the negative impact of the relapse of ovarian cancer on the quality of life of the patients” and emphasizes that, “tol Not falling at five years, they are unlikely to do so and, therefore, they can be cured“
More details
The study ‘Prima/Engot-OV26’ has been sponsorized by GSK and coordinated by the Spanish Ovarian Cancer Research Group (Geico), presided by González. His goal was Evaluate the effectiveness of Niraparib -A drug already approved in Spain- as maintenance therapy after response to first-line chemotherapy. The results, which reflect a follow -up of more than six years, have been presented at the Congress of the European Society of Medical Oncology (Tuxedo) held in Barcelona and have been published simultaneously in the high -impact magazine ‘Annals of Oncology‘.
Together with disease -free survivalresearchers have presented in tuxedo the final data of global survival among patients, which are very similar in the two groups of the trial. Thus, González details that this can be explained “due to the long post-proreción survival that patients present in this study, and for the high use of PLP inhibitors in the relapse of patients who did not receive it in the front line” and highlights that “despite the high clinical risk of patients included in the ‘cousin’ test, the global survival of patients with Genomic instability is greater than five years, and greater than that observed in previous studies“
To take into account
Ovary cancer is the eighth type of cancer in women around the world. Despite the high response rates to platinum chemotherapy as first -line treatmentapproximately 85 percent of patients suffer from a relapse of the disease if no maintenance treatment is performed. Besides, With each relapse, the elapsed time is shortened without cancer progressing until the woman presenting the following regression.
Test researchers have stressed that Genomic instabilityalso called homologous recombination deficit, occurs in 50 percent of patients with high -grade serous carcinoma, which is the most frequent type of ovarian cancer, and that predisposes to a greater response to chemotherapy with chemotherapy with platinum and maintenance benefit with torque inhibitorP.
#Investigation #shows #maintenance #therapy #prevents #relapse #advanced #ovary #cancer