Interjections | Was there a message in Pekka Haaviston's socks?

The Greens' presidential candidate Pekka Haavisto shrugged in August by saying that he is “not red at all”. On Thursday, attention was drawn to his different pairs of socks. HS's Välihuutoja column reflects on their message.

The greens presidential candidate Pekka Haavisto has published a video on Instagram in which he scolds his spouse by Antonio Flores with about the atmosphere on the election bus and at the DJ gig that Haavisto has held at a club in Tampere on Wednesday.

Flores says that it was his first DJ Pex gig.

“I believe this will be the last,” says Flores.

The duo in the discussion, however, the most attention is drawn to Haavisto's socks. The candidate's feet are resting in the foreground of the picture. One has a green and the other a red sock.

The question arises whether there is a message in the socks.

As the bus sways, the green sock drifts partially out of the picture. The red sock remains prominently in the foreground.

Haavisto announced in August In an interview with Ilta-Sanomithat he is “not red at all”, i.e. a leftist.

“I have never followed left-wing trends, but I have been founding a green movement from the beginning. It's always been my home. I've always considered myself to be in the landscape of centrist liberals politically,” he said at the time.

In the elections there are also two clearly left-wing candidates, Sdp's Jutta Urpilainen and the Left Alliance Lee Andersson. However, according to the opinion polls, they have no business for the second round, but in addition to Haavisto, the candidate of the coalition would advance there Alexander Stubb – if the result is in line with current support readings.

In the second round, Haavisto would need the votes of the leftists to become president.

Among political followers, Haavisto's distance from the left has managed to arouse speculation since August.

Socks can also be speculated. However, a clear picture of his values ​​is given by the value map of HS's election machine: According to it, Haavisto is slightly to the left of the center line. He is more left-wing than Alexander Stubb, but significantly more right-wing than Andersson, Urpilainen and even uncommitted Mika Aaltola.

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