Insults for lack of arguments

When Ayuso and his mariachis talk about the mafia, they do so knowingly. Or because they have been told what methods are used or because they know that the procedures followed by their acolytes are exactly those of the bosses, one of them is to use violence –even verbal–, threats and intimidation to try to command respect. and to silence mouths.

Ayuso, loudly in the Madrid Assembly: “The prosecutor is a badass and Sánchez will also go forward”

There is Al Capone, who was the boss of the most powerful mafia in Chicago. There is the Colombian Pablo Escobar. There’s Lucky Luciano, who is credited with organizing the Five Families of Cosa Nostra. And there is Vito Genovese, a Neapolitan enthusiast of Mussolini’s fascism. The names of all of them, and some more, always appear on the list of the best-known gangsters in History. Until now, that of Pedro Sánchez was not included, but in her crazy verbal escalation, Isabel Díaz Ayuso has just elevated the President of the Government to the category of gangster, which is the same as calling him a criminal, evildoer or delinquent.

There you have it. From the creators of the “let Txapote vote for you” and from “pa´lante”, comes a new delivery from the president of the Community of Madrid to call Sánchez a thug while her bench applauds until their palms bleed. Her people cheer her on while waiting for the next stupid thing and on social media the accounts of the brave people multiply who, under anonymity, come out against anyone who dares to draw attention to the verbal escalation or the ways of the Madrid president . Not to mention who uses the newspaper library, the data or the calendar to contextualize what is behind the case opened by the Supreme Court against the State Attorney General announced in advance by Ayuso’s chief of staff.

To mention the name of Alberto González Amador today – because everything has to do with this individual/commission agent, with his great success with the sale of masks during the pandemic, with his false invoices and with his two tax crimes recognized by his defense – is to risk Let the first intellectual and moral pauper who vomits bile on social networks – someone on the payroll of Sol or its media terminals – call you a sellout, a jerk, a cocksucker, a whore or a son of a bitch. This is how Ayuso’s cheerleaders are. Always so exquisite. Always so polite. And always with a very elaborate argument with which to refute any opinion and even incontestable facts.

When Ayuso and his mariachis talk about the mafia, they do so knowingly. Or because they have been told what methods are used or because they know that the procedures followed by their acolytes are exactly those of the bosses, one of them is to use violence – even if it is verbal -, the threat and bullying to try to instill respect and to silence mouths. The fact of distributing money among its spokesmen makes for a chapter of reminder about some judicial certainties because this desire to place on Sánchez’s payroll those who disagree with him and all his relatives is precisely what the courts demonstrated that the PP did with some of his amanuensis, as Bárcenas’ papers recorded: three envelopes in the name of a journalist later rewarded with a public position recorded in the B accounting while he was a parliamentary reporter in a national newspaper with dirty money that came from Génova Street to finance the capital increase of a digital newspaper in the orbit of the right.

They have seen so many movies and have emulated their protagonists so much that it is like turning any corner and come hooded everywhere. They have such a lack of reasons or solid evidence to support their statements or denials that it is easy to resort to verbal aggression, disqualification or offense. And when one runs out of arguments and proceeds to chain insults, as Ayuso and her henchmen do, what lies beneath is nothing more than a desperate action with which to divert attention from an indefensible issue. In this case, the core of the whole matter that has put the State Attorney General’s Office in check is that a document was manipulated from Puerta del Sol to spread false news about the conformity agreement that the commission agent González Amador presented to the Prosecutor’s Office to avoid going to prison for the tax crimes that his defense admitted to the Prosecutor’s Office.

PS Lies never generate truth no matter how much appearance they try to give through news, without contrast, published by the friendly press or repeated a thousand times by the same old people.

#Insults #lack #arguments

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