Samuel Pimentel, executive president of Ackermann International, one of the main international management talent recruitment firms, remembers in his recent book ‘El Headhunter’ (LID editorial) the times when press advertisements were a channel of access to candidatures. Many years later, the algorithms housed in disruptive artificial intelligence have changed the business model of these companies, which have integrated different technological tools into their processes while they must track new professional profiles related to the digital and innovative transformation that companies are experiencing. .
In any case, Pimentel considers that “we are in the first steps of AI, we have a long way to go and, in our activity, we must be especially careful with aspects such as data protection, biases, etc. We have to know how to weigh the operational part of technology and that of thought, of interpretation by human beings. “AI will never interfere in the conversation between two humans.”
The manager specialized in selecting managers, in coordinating HR consulting actions, emphasizes the importance of this human factor in cases such as, for example, “when you have to convince someone why it will benefit them to change a company.” company to another. Loyalty to the company motto: ‘More Human, More Impact’.
Xavier Gangonells, general director of the Spanish Association of Directors (AED), highlights, for his part, how “the ability of AI to analyze large volumes of data allows companies to take better informed decisionswith a greater amount of evidence and, therefore, with a greater probability of success. In addition, it can facilitate a more objective and efficient evaluation of candidates’ skills and experiences, eliminating cognitive biases.
That said, remember the relevance of compliance: “It is essential that companies implement AI in an ethical and transparent manner, ensuring that automated decisions do not perpetuate biases or discriminate against certain groups. In this context, we believe that the recent EU Artificial Intelligence Law establishes a regulatory framework that reinforces respect for human rights and clarity in automated processes, positioning artificial intelligence as a strategic ally, whenever it is applied with responsibility.
‘Leadership 5.0.’
The conference ‘AI and HR. Impact and application of generative technology in the area of people and organization’, organized last May by the Association for the Progress of Management (APD) and Grupo Vértice, with the collaboration of the Association Spanish Association of Human Resources Directors (Aedrh), had more than one hundred professionals who attended a forum in which opinions were heard such as “the transformation that AI is going to produce is going to be similar to the invention of fire in the history of the humanity.” An environment in which automation will tend to free up people’s time (and effort) to generate added valuevery necessary when selecting various senior management positions.
A few months earlier, in the presentation of the study ‘HR professionals facing the challenges of AI’, Jesús Torres, president of Aedhr, pointed out: «The functions are not going to change substantially, what is going to change is the way in which that we are going to perform the function. It is a transformation more linked to the process than to the substance. Jobs will evolve, but ‘storytelling’ will remain. It is a question of ‘reskilling’: understanding the possibilities of the tool to be able to use it in a way that gives us productivity and efficiency. A new universe in which the ‘business & tech’ school The Valley assigns to the ‘5.0 leader’ the joint, ‘non-stop’ development, ‘of technological knowledge with ‘soft skills’, and adopting a strategic vision that integrates both sustainability as innovation as fundamental pillars.
Times of competitiveness and uncertainty in which leadership implies not giving up in the face of the performance of the digital transformation. Once selected (be it with more or less ‘AI percentile’), Pimentel highlights the importance of finding profiles “who know how to convert technology into business, who know how to go beyond just investing in technological solutions, in times when the advice of Administration take into account aspects, for example, such as data analysis or cybersecurity… and more that they will have to do so. “There is a long way to go.” The author of ‘The Headhunter’ concludes with a phrase about the importance of being smart, as humans, in this process: “When they ask me to what extent AI worries me, I answer that we have to worry about controlling natural stupidity.”
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