Dozens of oncologists denounce that the company ATRES Health-Bienzobas presses them so that they do not prescribe expensive treatments against cancer
Dozens of oncologists have denounced that the ATRES Health-Bienzobas company presses them so that they do not prescribe expensive cancer treatments, although they are authorized and are recently in public health.
As ABC has been able to consult, these doctors are based on dozens of reports that, according to their opinion, evidence a bad praxis by the intermediary efforts between the mutuals of private health and its insurers to authorize the treatments prescribed by doctors.
Oncologists denounce that to achieve greater economic efficiency, this intermediary company tries to reduce the prescription of the most expensive drugs despite the fact that, according to their criteria, they are the most suitable for the patient.
In addition, the officials who chose a private medical service (MUFACE, MUGEJU or ISFAS) lost access to public health would give in public health.
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