The National Court has continued on Tuesday the trial promoted against a Sevillian tourist guide accused of three alleged crimes of sexual aggression on the same number of American students on trips to Morocco and Portugal, ratifying the first complainant of the case that the accused “violated it” and that has A list of “40” young Americans that would have suffered similar sexual assaults by the case.
The first young woman alleged victim of the accused, Manuel Gerardo BV, responsible for the Discover Excursion and Voodoo Travel companies, has appeared before the court to corroborate his accusation against the accused. This first complainant has narrated that as American student in SalamancaI was on a trip in Morocco on an excursion promoted by the defendant’s company and the last night before returning to Spain, on November 2, 2013, at a Hotel in Tangier, the defendant He approached her and two of her friendswith which he shared a room, when they were on the hotel terrace drinking a beer.
According to his story, the defendant, as “main guide” of the excursion, “It seemed very friendly and nice” And she did not feel “discomfort” before him, explaining that later, he suggested take champagne in the roomto which they agreed, addressing together to the students’ room, where Manuel Gerardo commissioned champagne at the service of rooms, REcogo Him Alcohol “Back” to them and serve them to them.
According to her story, the defendant, her friends and she were “in the room sitting in the beds, in a very cordial atmosphere”, drinking champagne, when The atmosphere took “a sexual dye”because he asked her about her sexual experiences when she barely counted 19 years oldalso proposing “games such as daring or truth”, as well as another “t -shirt exchange”, to which she refused.
This first complainant explained that at a given time, He felt “extremely tired”realizing that Manuel Gerardo had stripped his clothing, being “in underwear, almost naked”; after which she fell asleep for a time she has not been able to specify, waking up alone in the room with a “Terrible heaviness, stunned and confused.”
The “forced” to make a fellatio
As he needed to go to the bathroom, according to his testimony, he got up but had problems maintaining verticality, “slowly” to cleaning, leaning on the wall. When opening the bathroom door, as he has reported, He found himself for “surprise” that her friends were in the bathtub with the defendant“In underwear”, after which she closed the door, according to her story.
It was later, as he has recalled, when Manuel Gerardo and her friends left the cleanliness and then she entered, but without closing the latch from the door. Then, according to his story, The defendant “abruptly” entered In the bathroom in underwear and taking advantage that she was sitting in the toilet in front of the door, the “forced” and allegedly forced her to practice a fellatio; after which she would have pushed her motivating her “side” and lost knowledge.
Already later, according to his story, woke up in supplementary bed from the room “dressed in the pajamas” without knowing “how” he had got there, but feeling “A very strong pain” in his genitals, “stinging” in the anus and “Moratones on both knees”; Also discovering that the sheets were “stool covered.”
According to her story, she was “Plenamemnte aware of pain and terror” that I felt, as well as the “humiliation”although he could not “put words” to the situation until he began to participate in therapy already later. “I was completely terrified and mortified of what had happened to me,” he said, recounting when he began to communicate that he had been “drugged and raped.”
“Flirting attitude”
In addition, he has narrated how through various efforts He knew from another young American students He had suffered a similar situation by the accused, but could “get rid of”, ensuring that throughout these years, the result of his work, he has collected “much information”, formed a List of “40 girls” who have given a statement in the United States “about aggressions committed by Manuel Gerardo” from 2009 to 2019 “.
One of the friends who shared a room with her the night of the events has testified on her side that this first alleged victim of the case “He said he was interested” in Manuel Gerardo And that he “got angry” with them for that reason, stating that he remembers that in the room There were sexual games although without remembering which and that the accused and the victim were inside the bathroom, although without remembering if they agreed together to it.
The other roommate has recalled, in broad strokes, that in effect Manuel Gerardo “I had an attitude of flirting with the three” Students, that the complainant and he were inside the bathroom, entering “both” at the same time as he has thought he remembered, as he has raised; And that when she woke up “there were feces everywhere” of the room, without being able to remember “nothing more,” he said.
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