Every year, more than 127 million passengers use the network of Rodalies… and every day, almost 30 incidents occur in the rail network. That is, 10,000 incidents a year, ten times more than in Madrid. This breakdown of breakdowns, which in recent weeks has been evidenced with severe effects throughout Catalonia, has undergone debate in the Parliament In a monographic plenary requested by ERC, the common and the CUP. The PSC has thus faced the first hot potato of the legislature in full negotiation of the Transfer of the railway service to the Generalitatelement to which the socialists cling so that Rodalies Give a quality leap.
The President Salvador Illa He has taken the floor after a brief intervention of Republicans and leftists. To the President The Minister of Territory has followed, Sylvia paneque. Both have made an exhaustive diagnosis of the situation and have listed the proposals to solve the rail chaos. Illa has started from a “principle of reality”: “The service of Rodalies It is not working at the level that Catalonia can be allowed nor at the level that users ask for, demand and have all the reason for demanding and asking. “
After showing “empathy” and “understanding” before the anger of the users, Illa has reiterated that this folder concentrates the attention of the attention of the Government. Although the solutions will not “easily” or “immediate”, he warned. On the other hand, it has reiterated that the “maximum investment rhythm compatible with the maintenance of the service” has been reached, an argument shared by the Ministry of Transportation.
The socialist leader has predicted that the exit to this problem will come from the hand of the transfer of Rodalies to the Autonomous Administration. “We do not want the transfer because we believe that we can do it better, but because from the proximity the service is better provided. Do you think of more essential service than health, education or security? The mobility service provided from proximity will not break anything and we can manage it with more efficiency,” he said. “The transfer is not going back”he has concluded.
“Assets” and “Liabilities”
Illa has delegated the breakdown of the measures underway to Solve incidents in the short term Until the transfer is made. The Minister He has recognized an adverse situation “inherited from an endemic malfunction.” As examples, he mentioned that the 24% of the rolling material is not operationalthe Lack of repair and maintenance workshopsthe collapse in the tunnels of Barcelona, the sections pending unfolding and the deterioration in the stations – 264 sensors and escalators, 109 are out of service.
But in the face of these “liabilities” has also listed a list of “active.” “We are implementing the new Pla de Rodalies 2026-2030 which guarantees strategic investments in both infrastructure and rolling 40 specific and urgent actionssuch as the renewal of catenaries and signaling. Have also been signed Agreements with three machine training schools And the Purchase of 110 trains from Alstomwhose first units will enter into a test period in January 2026.
The toughest reply to Illa and Paneque has made it Salvador Vergés (Junts per Catalunya). The parliamentarian has talked about a “False transfer without deadlines or money” and has demanded “throwing Renfe de Cataluña.” “Renfe is a malefic octopus that with his tentacles shaped like train tracks oppresses us and drowning,” he released in a hard allegation.
The Republican Ester Capellawhich has also criticized the PSC for not supervising the “neglect” of the State, has reproached the post -convergentes to denounce the public company while they place related in their board of directors, in reference to the economist Eduard Gràcia. The Socialists have reproached that “the works cannot be the excuse” in the face of certain problems, such as the lack of maintenance and information in the stations.
In response to Capella, Vergés has accused ERC of being involved in the current transfer of Rodalies As was also in 2010, during the tripartite government stage. In any case, the deputy has specified that “we put people with curriculum, not like the PSC.”
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