The domino effect has always been very feared in the Spanish athletics team. Because it has a real existence. When the first athletes to intervene fall eliminated in the first round, there is the risk of infection, of the growing pressure in which they still have … Jump to the track, forced to undo the errors of the first to compete. This weekend, in the tiny Nankín pavilion, Spain has competed at a good level and has overcome the weakest results of the team. Our athletes have shown solvency in decisive times and selection failures have not had negative effects on the rest.
Ana Peleteiro has been, once again, the great reference of Spain. The Galician tripler, well adapted to her change as coach, always extracts in the high competition the best of her resources. He was competitive, wanting and his winter performance promises a good summer.
Despite having lost Peleteiro in his training group, Pedroso’s Spain continues to enjoy good health. Fatima Diamé is another safe value. He surprised a year ago with his bronze in Glasgow and has returned to the podium on Chinese lands with that rare skill that only the great champions have: being able to enjoy when the time of truth is.
The third medalist has been Josué Canales, the last acquisition of Spanish midfund, which seems to be limited in recent months. The man of the Zancaditas, the disciple of Castillejo, is strengthening in the world elite Carrera A. When athletes such as Attaaui, Romo or Mechaal are absent from injury or low shape, Canales has managed to go to the rescue of the Spanish medium distance, with decades of successes behind them but lately surpassed by the jump sector. Joshua’s third bronze served to overcome the two medals of the 2024 World Cups.
Spain has surpassed the Nankín test, a World Cups postponed by pandemic and embedded at the end of March artificially. He has done it with a short squad but has known how to live. Pepe Peiró’s team (once again equipped with that absurd orange color that betrays the history of our athletics) was shown as a team in which you can trust, capable of overcoming rounds and batting at the highest level. This year they expect important quotes, such as relay World Cups, the European Cup for Nations in the mythical Vallehermoso or the World Cups. And Spain is in good shape.
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