It will be after next Sunday, June 2, when all the procedures that have to do with the social programs of the Secretary of Welfareincluding calls for new beneficiaries.
And among the calls that will be opened by the Ministry of Welfare is that of new beneficiaries of the social program called “Program for the Welfare of Girls and Boys Children of Working Mothers”.
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In this sense, the purpose of the Program for the Welfare of Girls and Boys Children of Working Mothers is, according to the official website of the Welfare Programs, to improve the living conditions of girls, boys, adolescents and young people in situations of vulnerability due to the temporary or permanent absence of one or both parents, through bimonthly financial support.
Thus, the requirements and criteria to be a beneficiary must meet the following aspects:
*Being a mother, single father or guardian of a girl or boy who has not yet turned 4 years of age.
*That the mother, father or guardian is working, looking for employment or studying and does not have child care and attention services.
*Original birth certificate and copy of the boy or girl, as well as the mother, single father or guardian.
*Unique Population Registry Code (CURP) in original and copy of the boy or girl, as well as the mother, single father or guardian.
*Current official identification in original and copy of the mother, single father or guardian (if you are a minor, you can present a passport or birth certificate).
*Proof of address (water, electricity, telephone, property or proof of residence) in original and copy.
*Free writing under oath of truth, indicating whether you work, are looking for work or are studying. If you are studying, you must present a certificate of studies issued by the institution.
*Non-affiliation letters to the IMSS and ISSSTE, which can be processed and printed from the internet portal corresponding to each institution (tutors are excluded from this requirement).
*In the case of girls and boys with disabilities, when it is not visible to the support staff of the Secretariat, an original medical certificate issued by a public institution in the health sector or by a doctor with a professional license, a specialist in the type of disability, will be required. disability.
*In the case of daughters and sons in a situation of maternal orphanhood who are minors, a person is required to act as responsible for carrying out the procedure who, in addition, will sign a responsive letter in free format where they will assume the commitment to use of the resource for the purposes of the program. If the beneficiary is of legal age and under 24 years of age, the procedure can be carried out individually.
*In the event that the beneficiary is in a situation of maternal orphanhood, the death of the mother must be proven through a death certificate or presumption of death certificate no older than three months.
Meanwhile, we must not lose sight of the fact that This social program of the Ministry of Welfare has two modalities, and they are the following:
*Newborn girls and boys up to 4 years old: 1,600 pesos every two months
*Girls and boys with disabilities, newborns and up to 6 years old: 3,600 pesos every two months.
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