New year, new life. Or so they say. Because, in reality, from December 31 to January 1 of any year they come second. Can life be changed in that small interval? The answer is yes, as long as it comes from a stroke of luck. Another possibility, psychology professionals explain, is that we ourselves are the ones who work on this change, and we do so after the necessary period of reflection. And, above all, with the necessary motivation.
Thus we reach the famous new year’s resolutionswhich usually consist of modifications to routines—starting, for example, a diet or joining the gym—or learning or putting into practice an activity. However, for Pilar Conde, psychologist and technical director of Clínicas Origen, the important thing is that they are framed in a reflection on self-care. and the January 1Because it is the first day of the year, it is a date just as good as the others to start with that change that we have been thinking about for days, weeks, months…
That is to say, a desire for change linked to a ‘why’ that is meaningful will always result in greater benefit to the person than “setting unrealistic and disconnected objectives.” This, the psychologist warns, can lead to frustration and, what is usually more common, failure: “when motivation is low or it comes to us from outside, we usually give up.
Resolutions for the new year
It may happen that neither the real needs to carry out said purpose nor the possible obstacles that may appear along the way, as well as our ability to face them, have been evaluated.
Another aspect that these psychology and psychiatry clinics want to highlight is that the change of year is not always good for thinking about transforming some aspects of our lives. It is a cultural condition that identifies the end of the year with the end of the cycle and that is not motivating enough for everyone. There are those who do not need the help of the calendar to undertake new achievements and improve themselves, while for others it can be a good stick to lean on.
Thus, to know which of these two cases we fit into, “we can look at our history, look at when we have made significant changes and whether the force of the change of year has played a role or not.” Based on that, we can see if in our case the change of year gives us that extra strength or pressure, or if our big changes are not related.
Tips to fulfill our desires
If we are in favor of starting a change coinciding with the new year, it is important that we write down these tips:
1. Connect with why you want to do or achieve it and assess the power of those reasons.
2. Examine whether your motivation is intrinsic, not seeking external rewards and approvals.
3. Assess the possible obstacles that may appear and assess how to overcome them.
4. Prepare the action plan with specific dates and steps.
5. Be aware of your strengths and values, and how these will help you in the changes and the path.
For all this you can count on the help of a mental health professional. In this sense, from Origen they remember that there are many people who include going to the psychologist in their New Year’s resolutions. Getting started in therapeutic help “accompanies you by taking care of your own emotional well-being, teaching you management tools so that you can feel good about yourself.” And what better new year’s resolution You have to learn to be responsible for your own well-being and self-esteem. Under this umbrella, Pilar Conde concludes, each and every desire for improvement for 2025 fits.
#start #change