Despite the entry into force of the General Telecommunications Law, it is very common for users to continue receiving commercial calls without prior consent, one of the measures included in this rule, which also gives rise to what are known as robocalls.
The robocalls They are a type of strategy that some operators and insurance companies follow. call centers to promote your products or services. However, when the user receives the call, No one answers on the other end of the line.
This is because the calls are made by an automated bot, which calls random numbers. In some cases, if a teleoperator is free, the user is responded to with a commercial offer, but, on the contrary, there may not be any teleoperator ready at that moment and, therefore, when picking up, there is a silence for a few seconds and the call hangs up with no response.
In the latter case, it is normal for users believe they have been victims of a scamalthough the robocalls They do not have this purpose. They simply serve operators to know which telephone lines are operational, as well as to know which calls have been answered and to know when is the best time to call potential clients.
How to identify ‘robocalls’?
One of the easiest ways to immediately identify that it is a robocall is to look at the number, since most of them start with 911 11. In fact, many smartphones can already identify when it is possible spam and indicate this at the same time a call is being received.
On the other hand, when you receive a call of this type, if in doubt, you can search for the number on the internet. There are many specialized pages where other users have shared information about the call. It is in many of those comments in which you can read: “They call and do not answer”. It is, therefore, a robocall.
If a number is identified that is spam and has a commercial objective, it can be choose to directly block the numberso that if they call again, the call will not appear and they save themselves the inconvenience.
You can also try identify companies who make these types of calls. In many cases, the user may be a customer of the company and, therefore, have given consent to receive these types of calls. In this case, it will be enough to contact the company or search for the conditions of the contract and change the permissions granted.
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