“I am not going to be able to repair all the damage of neoliberalism,” acknowledges AMLO

Mexico.- President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) acknowledged that in his six-year term will not be able to repair all the damage caused by neoliberalism in Mexico.

In La Mañanera on October 17, AMLO attacked the opposition for accusing him of blaming past governments for all the problems in the country, and warned that so much was the damage caused by neoliberalismwhich will not be able to repair everything during his government.

“I’m going to have to solve a lot, but I will not be able to repair all the damage caused by neoliberalism or neoporfirismo, because fIt was worse than a pandemic, a plagueIt was totally decadent for the country,” accused AMLO.

Stating that the damage has begun to be repaired, the federal president trusted that at the end of his six-year term there will be a new government that will continue with the same policy of the 4Teither with Morena or others, because “this is no longer for anyone.”

“I tell them that I am sure there will be continuity with change, This is no longer for anyone, no one for this transformation processfor the conscience of the people,” he insisted.

AMLO accused that the neoliberal policies applied for 36 years caused profound damage in the country, for which he recognized that despite the progress it takes time to “root out corruption, impunityracism, classism, discrimination”.

In a review of the history of Mexico, the president pointed out that although in the Porfiriato there were advances in economic and political matters, but not in the democratic realm, and not even the Revolution was enough to eradicate these evils.

Then came the reform of article 27 promoted by the PRI Carlos Salinas de Gortariwhere the land given to the peasants with the Revolution was made available to the market, starting the dispossession of landexposed the brunette.

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President López Obrador reiterated that he works full time to promote the “transformation” of the country, which would not be possible without the support of men and women from all over the country.

You can’t do it alone either, it’s not a matter of one man or one woman.a group or public servants, this is everyone’s business, and the truth is, everyone is supporting it,” AMLO assured.

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