The appetizeras we all know, it is a small amount of food taken before a main meal To stimulate appetite. Although it is usually more common to consume it Before eating at nooncan also be carried out Before dinner.
While in countries such as Spain, Portugal and France are done on any day of the week, in some countries it is done on indicated dates and it is not common to be done daily. In general, Some of the snacks found in our country are the squid to the Roman, the Russian salad, the croquettes or the grooves in vinegar.
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Now, If we are working or away from home, the most normal is to opt for other alternatives. And that is where salty snacks come into play such as bag potatoes or worms or nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts or peanuts.
Precisely the latter are the favorite snack of Dr. William Kraus, preventive cardiologist and professor at the School of Medicine at Duke University in the United States. In his opinion, they are quite effective to remove the sensation of hunger and avoid that we give us binge.
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Or at least that’s what he has pointed out in a interview with ‘Today‘. “Nuts are an important part of the Mediterranean diet, which protect against stroke and heart attacks,” he said bluntly in the aforementioned medium.
But this is not all. Peanuts have many more benefits, according to the specialized portal ‘Tua Saúde‘:
- They prevent heart disease.
- Avoid atherosclerosis.
- Fight anemia.
- They regulate blood sugar.
- They favor weight loss.
- They prevent early aging.
- They maintain the health of the muscles.
- They improve humor.
- They decrease the risk of malformations in the baby.
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