THE’hypertrichosis It is a very particular pathological situation. Its characteristics can definitely be not only problematic but also difficult to bear. Here is a practical guide that will help you deal with this problem in the best possible way.
What is meant by hypertrichosis
As often happens with many pathologies, the meaning itself can be understood analyzing its name. In this case, the prefix hyper makes it clearabundance of something, while tricos it is a term that derives from the Greek and literally means hair. Combining the two things, one can easily understand how the word hypertrichosis indicates aabundance of hair.
Going into a bit more detail, you can make some Insights. First of all, this pathology manifests itself precisely with an excessive number of hairs on the body. In particular, it is known that the effects of hypertrichosis can manifest themselves in localized way in a specific part of the body, or in scattered way. This pathology can potentially also take into consideration the whole body, unlike similar situations, such as thehirsutismwhich instead only involves certain parts.
As often happens with this type of pathology, the causes can be different. One thing is certain, however, that they can cause inconveniences even on a daily level, as well as emotional. Before starting a therapy, in fact, it is necessary to understand well where this problem comes from.
Possible causes

First of all, before analyzing specific cases, it must be emphasized that hypertrichosis can also have genetic origin. In fact, it may also be that this problem is of a congenital and that, precisely for this reason, we must approach it in different way. In other cases, however, the pathology can also develop with age based on certain contingencies.
First of all, one of the main causes of this problem is the hormones. In fact, excessive hair growth can usually be traced back to a wrong balance among the androgens (hormones like testosterone) and estrogens. In particular, it is androgens that promote the growth of long, dark hair, typical of the male sex. Testosterone, in fact, stimulates growth in the pubic area and under the armpits, while dihydrotestosterone, instead, stimulates beard growth in men.
Estrogens, on the contrary, they limit the growth of too much hair. In particular, they limit it in a very important way and, moreover, they prevent it from being particularly thick and dark, making it become perhaps thinner and lighter. It is self-evident that pathologies such as hypertrichosis derive precisely from a possible overabundance of androgens or by a final response mostly diverted towards the latter. In short, the relationship androgens – estrogens is unbalanced.
Non-physiological hypertrichosis
The case in which hypertrichosis is caused by a hormonal imbalance can be defined, in particular, physiological. However, there are cases in which this problem arises from a situation not normalsuch as due to medical conditions or medications.
In fact, hypertrichosis can often also be a symptom of other issuesperhaps even more serious, which lead to problems at a hormonal level. Among the most attested, in this sense, we see, for example, the syndromes paraneoplasticThe latter are pathologies that manifest themselves with symptoms localized around the areas where there are tumors.
Alongside these problems, we can see that a hormonal imbalance can also be due to problems related, for example, totaking medications. In fact, there are some medicines that trigger this type of reaction. Among these we see the molecules such as minoxidil, cyclosporine or even corticosteroids.
Last but not least, the presence of a not in optimal physical conditionat a pathological level, which results in an increase in body hair. In fact, we see how conditions such asanorexia can cause this type of symptom. In particular, we see an increase in hair that has the function of making up for a deficiency. In this case, the body reacts so that the body temperature remains stable, creating further protection from the cold. Similar to anorexia is also the case ofundernutritionwhich has more or less the same same effect.
Symptoms of hypertrichosis

Moving forward with the discussion, it is good evaluate each typology of symptoms found in this type of disease. First of all, however, a clarification must be made regarding the case studiesTalking about hypertrichosis in men it’s different than in the women. This is because in men the level of androgens is always higher, precisely in a physiological way. For this reason it is good to analyze the case from a female point of view.
In women, in fact, there is a type of precise symptomatology which identifies this kind of problem. First of all, the alarm bells are the presence of female pattern baldness, that is, also types of alopecia, acne, sudden increase in muscle mass or even breast atrophy.
In essence, the most common situation when talking about hypertrichosis is asudden virilization of the woman, hence the appearance of purely male bodily elements, the appearance also of abdominal masses or pelvic and, furthermore, of a high quantity of hair. These are the situations that should most suggest a case of hypertrichosis and that should lead the patient to a specific check-up.
Exams to take

Once it turns out that you are in fact having a problemit is best to contact the right people to make some arrangements checks. In this case, a general practitioner will know exactly how to start the various checks. Specifically, in women, some checks must be done specific tests that can keep hormone levels under control.
Basically, with ablood test the doctor can check: free and total testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, but also follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone. In addition to blood tests, if the results are in fact stonedyou have to face everything by also doing a gynecological visit.
The gynecologist will begin by doing a thorough analysis of the abdominal area. In this case, in fact, we will see how the patient will be given apelvic ultrasound or one CT scan to exclude the most dangerous ones neoplasmsthat is, abdominal tumor masses. These are looked for in the pelvic area, but the adrenal area is also checked, to avoid problems there as well.
Finally, there are also special cases. After having undergone these checks, if any problems occur signs of Cushing’s syndrome or adrenal or pelvic masses must subsequently undergourine analysis to measure the levels of cortisol. All this in the course of the following 24 hours from the diagnosis of symptoms compatible with the aforementioned pathologies.
Types of treatment

The treatments, as is standard practice, vary according to theorigin of the disorder. Before listing the various typologies, however, it is a good idea to make a premise very important. In no case can you draw on online therapies to solve medical problems. In fact, it is necessary that it is the doctor himself to indicate the treatment to be applied and its various types. Here are the various cases.
Hormone treatment
After doing the various checks and having let the doctor work with an effective diagnostic process, we can draw conclusions. In the event that no other problems have been found outside of hormonal imbalance, you can agree with your attending physician in applying a therapy based on hormones.
The most common treatments in this category are: contraceptive drugs, antiandrogens And other various typesmuch less used. Contraceptives, often oral, used in standard doses are the first step to try a hormonal treatment. In fact, they are widely used in this type of situation, precisely because they have a purely hormonal action. These they reduce the secretion of ovarian androgensincreasing the globulin of female sex hormones. In essence, the conclusion of all this is to decrease the amount of free testosterone.
Antiandrogen therapy, on the other hand, is equally used, but with case studies completely different. In fact, although the resolution action is fundamentally the same, Not it is applied to women of childbearing age. This is because it could drastically decrease androgen levels, creating irreversible problems.
Other drugs used in these contexts, although more rarely, are the corticosteroids. In this case it is assumed that there is an adrenal androgen production, certified by correct analysis. These can be used for severe forms of ovarian hyperandrogenismThose who can give this kind of treatment are the gynecologist and theendocrinologist.
Local treatment
As mentioned above, hypertrichosis can also be localized in some way in specific places of the body. In essence, there are methods that are nothing short of mechanical and involve the common hair removal. In this, obviously, it is not necessary to turn to a doctor, but even just to a beautician who can put into practice the right techniques.
Hair removal, in particular, is based on mechanical techniques that involve thehair extraction. Surely, an expert hand like that of a beautician can somehow be much more capable of solving the problem from the root. The fact is that even a hair removal housewife can be effective and give the same result.
The techniques of the world of cosmeticshowever, never stop giving in. In fact, we see how new methodologies have a greater efficacy and a decidedly more decisive character than the common waxing. We are talking about laser hair removalwhich involves the use of specific tools that eliminate the hair in its entirety, even occluding the hair bulb.
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