Father’s Day left a bitter taste in Adara Molinero’s house. The former consistant of Big Brother He took advantage of the event to share a directed message on Instagram, not to mention it directly, to Hugo Sierra, the father of his son in common. Through a story, Molinero He denounced that his ex -partner had “two months” without seeing the littlequestioning its involvement as a parent.
Following these words, this Friday Late He has contacted this Friday with Sierra to know his reaction to those words. The winner of GH Revolution has responded briefly but firm.
“It is a heartlessI can tell you that nothing more, little to add, “he said in a telephone conversation held with one of the format editors.
Sierra, who has stated that he was about to join a meeting, has preferred not to extend in his explanations, although He has recorded his fed up for the attitude of the content creator.
“The truth is that the situation is no longer understood,” he said. Before hanging, he explained that anything from Adara Molinero is already expected: “I am not surprised at anything at this point“
#Hugo #Sierra #Adaras #accusations #Martins #responsibility #son #common #heartless