The registration certificate is an official document that proves the domicile of the requesting person in a specific municipality. The importance of this document stands out as it is a fundamental requirement to be able to carry out numerous administrative procedures, from obtaining the DNI to the request for public aid, among others. Fortunately, today it is possible to request it online, avoiding unnecessary displacements. We explain below how you can do it without complications and for what procedures it is necessary.
To request the registration certificate, it must be made through the electronic headquarters of the City Council corresponding to the municipality where the person resides at their usual domicile. Each City Council manages its own document issuance system, so it is advisable to access its official website to learn about the specific details. In most cases, the Town Halls have a section of online or ‘municipal register’, from where the certificate can be requested and downloaded.
Regarding the necessary documentation, normally the requesting person must with a digital certificate, electronic ID or cl@vein to access this service. In this link we explain how you can register in these services and what are all its advantages. If the City Council of your municipality does not allow direct download, you can always request the document through email or postal. Another possible case to take into account is whether the municipality does not have a digital platform where it can be processed telematically, so the application must be made in person at the City Council offices with its corresponding previous appointment.
As the procedure can vary according to the City Council of each municipality, we explain step by step how to request the certificate in a general way. In addition, the official portal of the General State Administration It provides the links to the electronic headquarters of the provincial capitals and autonomous communities where this document can be requested. In the case of the Madrid City Council, residents can obtain the registration certificate immediately through the Electronic Headquarters of the Consistory.
How to request the Internet Emparation Certificate
The procedure may vary according to the City Council of each municipality, but in general, these are the steps to follow:
- Access the electronic headquarters of the City Council of the Municipality where residas: For this you are looking for the official website of your City Council and go to the section of ‘Municipal Register or’ Application for procedures and certificates’. In each headquarters they can record different terms, but they will always go along this line.
- Digitally identify to access the system: To guarantee the security of the process, in most cases the use of digital certificate, electronic ID or cl@vein is required. Today there are many procedures that are done through these services, so we recommend that you give you discharge to lighten the process.
- Fill in the application form: Complete personal data and the registration address. We show you an example of the application form of the Murcia City Council.

- Choose the delivery or download format: some administrations allow you to download the certificate instantly, while others send it by email or postal within several days. Once the application is validated, you will receive the certificate in the selected format.
What documentation is necessary
We know that the procedures to request the registration certificate can vary according to the City Council as well as the necessary documentation. In general, in addition to the form that we have shown you previously, it will be necessary to have the DNI, NIE or passport of the applicant in force.
However, even if your requirements are simple, there are other special cases in which other official documents should be held to handle the request for the certificate. In this case, we expose you as an example which additional documentation should be presented in particular situations to request the certificate at the Madrid City Council as indicated in their Electronic Headquarters:
- When the reason for the request of it is the declaration of heirs, a photocopy of the death certificate or the family book page in which the death is registered will be attached.
- When the requesting person is a person other than the holder and does not appear registered in the same house, photocopy of the documents that prove the status of interested person or representative will be delivered.
- When the requesting person is a legal person or other professionals, the photocopy of the documents that accredit that they act on behalf of the legitimate interested parties must be provided.
- If the legitimacy of the applicant is not sufficiently accredited, it may be required to provide additional documentation.
- If the certificate is for a minor, the family book or birth certificate is required in addition to the DNI of the parents or legal guardians.
- If the procedure is done by another person in the name of the person requesting, an authorization signed by the holder of the certificate and the photocopy of the identity document of the holder must be submitted.
- In no case will it be facilitated by registration wheel to anyone who does not appear registered at the address that interests, unless expressly authorized by the interested party or judicial sentence.
For what procedures the certificate is necessary
Having the registration certificate is essential for many administrative procedures. In addition, the registration allows access to various social aid and municipal services, from study scholarships to labor insertion and rental aid programs. Among some of the efforts that require the presentation of the certificate, the following stand out.
Personal documentation and residence:
- Expedition or renewal of the ID and Passport: The certificate in this case is required to prove the address.
- Foreigner procedures: Among these procedures we indicate the residence permit, Spanish nationality or the renewal of NIE.
- Change of address in the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT): This management consists in the update of the address consisting of the driver’s card and in the vehicle’s circulation permit.
Education and Health:
- Registration in schools and universities: the certificate is necessary to prove the student’s residence and thus be able to request places in educational centers.
- Health Center Assignment: The application can be essential to access public health as a function of domicile.
Aid and other social benefits:
- Vital Minimum Income Application (IMV): The document will be used to demonstrate the habitual residence.
- Subsidies and unemployment benefits: In some cases, it is a requirement to access financial aid.
- Aid to rent or social housing: It is needed to prove the residence in a specific municipality.
Other administrative procedures:
- Application for civil marriage: the steering wheel can be required in order to demonstrate coexistence in the case of de facto couples.
- JUSTIFICATION OF RESIDENCE IN JUDICIAL PROCEDURES: In the case of official judgments or notifications.
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