How Quickly Can You See Results After a Breast Lift?

If you’re considering a breast lift in Wellington, you may be curious about how soon you’ll see results after this cosmetic procedure. Find out what to expect during recovery and beyond when you decide to have this type of breast enhancement, also known as mastopexy.

When Can You Expect to See Results After a Breast Lift in Wellington?

Immediate Changes

You’ll notice results right away after you have a lift procedure. The surgery creates a higher, firmer bustline and restores the breast volume that we naturally lose as we age. The surgeon raises the nipple and areola, removes excess skin from around the breasts, and reshapes the tissue into a higher, more youthful contour.

If you have large, heavy breasts, they may become smaller since the mastopexy procedure creates a rounder, more compact shape. Women with asymmetrical breasts can achieve a more uniform size and shape with this type of surgery.

Refined Results Over Time

As you recover and the swelling goes down, the breasts settle into their post-surgical position. They may slightly change shape and size as your body heals. The final results of a breast lift are typically visible within a few months of the procedure.

Although you should only have minimal scarring from your incisions, these marks will fade even more over time. Many women report their scars are no longer noticeable after about a year, and they should be small enough to hide under the top of your bathing suit.

Better Outcomes With Fewer Complications

After the breast lift procedure, follow your surgeon’s post-surgical instructions carefully to avoid complications that can impact your results. You shouldn’t lift anything heavy or engage in vigorous exercise until you get your doctor’s clearance, which usually takes about six weeks after the procedure. The surgeon will also teach you how to care for your incisions and change the bandages.

You’ll need to sleep on your back or side for at least a few days and avoid sexual activity for up to two weeks after a mastopexy. Wear a surgical sports bra during recovery as recommended by your surgeon. Report any signs of complications, such as swelling, pain, redness, or fever, right away so you can get the necessary medical attention.

Maintain Your Surgical Results

Although cosmetic surgery doesn’t last forever, you can maintain the results of your procedure by staying at a healthy weight and taking care of your body. Eat a variety of nutritious foods and engage in regular physical activity.

Consider delaying breast surgery until after you’re finished having children, since pregnancy and breastfeeding can reverse the effects of this procedure. If you have small breasts, the lift will last longer than for larger breasts. Some women decide to have a breast reduction along with the lift.

While it can take a few weeks to see the final results of a lift on the appearance of your breasts, you’ll be able to see some changes right away after a mastopexy. Sticking to post-surgical care recommendations will help you recover safely, which maintains the look of your revised and refreshed bustline.