A few weeks ago the government uploaded the minimum interprofessional salary (SMI) and this went from 1134 to 1184, a rise of 50 euros gross per month.
According to the Executive figures, the rise in this minimum compensation directly benefits some 2.4 million people, including, especially women and young workers.
In the case of the former, the figures talk that 65.8% of those who perceive SMI are women. It is precisely women who also dedicate themselves to jobs related to home tasks.
The minimum wage of household employees
He Decree of the SMI ascent It also regulates other salaries and how much they must charge, at least, household employees and eventual workers as temporary.
The remuneration of household employees is set by article four. In its second section, it establishes that “in accordance with article 8.5 of Royal Decree 1620/2011, of November 14, which regulates the special labor relationship of the family home service, which takes as a reference for the determination of the minimum wage of Household employees and employees who work for hours, in external regime»The minimum wage of these people is set for this 2025 in 9.26 euros per hour effectively worked.
It is a withdrawal for those who work per hour, but If the agreed day is 40 hours a week, the salary must be at least the SMI, which in 2025 is equivalent to 1184 euros per month if it is paid in 14 payments or 1381 in 12 payments. Likewise, work for hours with a partial contract should not be confused. In this second case, the salary will correspond to the proportional part of the SMI.
SMI for a weekly 40 hours: 1184 euros per month
Home employees with payment for hours: 9.26 euros per hour worked
Social Security establishes a quotation sections table for these people who work performing domestic tasks in foreign houses. The contribution bases are determined by the entire monthly salary and a series of sections are established by 2025:
Section 1: Monthly remuneration up to 319 euros per month (contribution base 296 euros per month)
Section 2: Monthly remuneration from 319.01 to 495 euros per month (contribution base 423 euros per month)
Section 3: Monthly remuneration of 495.01 to 672 euros per month (contribution base 584 euros per month)
Section 4: Monthly remuneration of 672.01 to 850 euros per month (contribution base 761 euros per month)
Section 5: Monthly remuneration of 850.01 to 1029 euros per month (price base 941 euros per month)
Section 6: Monthly remuneration of 1029.01 to 1204 euros per month (price base 1116 euros per month)
Section 7: Monthly remuneration of 1204.01 to 1381.20 euros per month (contribution base 1381.20 euros per month)
Section 8: Monthly retribution from 1381.21 euros per month (monthly compensation base)
In this sense, Social Security recalls that a person who will provide domestic services in exchange for a salary has to be discharged whatever the type of contract or hours that works a week.
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