The remuneration of the members of the Armed Forces They will rise in this 2025. The Government has found in the salary increase of the military a way of pleasing its EU and NATO partners since thus also increases defense spending.
In total, the game will involve about 400 million a year. The climb will be, specifically, 300 euros per month for troop and sailor members and 200 euros for the rest. It will affect the general component of the specific complement, as stated in the draft of the Royal Decree written by the Ministry of Defense to which ABC has had access.
Although it is not the only current debate about defense spending, it is an issue that for years has worried members of the Armed Forces due to salaries, especially in the lower ranges.
So are the salaries of the military in Spain
The salary of the military in Spain is divided into several concepts. A Base salary, trienniums, extraordinary payments and various supplements. These can be: destination complement, specific complement, employment complement, special dedication complement or complement for gratification of extraordinary services.
Like officials, the professional categories of the members of the Armed Forces are divided of group C2 al A1 depending on its range.
A1: Army General/Admiral General/General of the Air to Lieutenant/Navio Ensign
A2: from Ensign/Frigate Ensign to Sergeant
C1: from Cabo Mayor to Soldier/Marinero, with a permanent services ratio
C2: From Cabo First to Soldier/Marinero, with a temporary services relationship
According to the professional group to which the military belongs they have a predetermined base salary according to their condition.
Soldier: 1,340 euros
Sailor: 1,340 euros
Cabo Mayor: 1,810 euros
Sergeant: 2,095 euros
Major NCO: 2,850 euros
Lieutenant: 2,750 euros
Colonel: 3,730 euros
Brigade General: 4,250 euros
General Lieutenant: 5,430 euros
How much a lieutenant charges in Spain
According to the amounts that corresponded to 2024, a lieutenant – which belongs to Group A1 – of the Cobra Armed Forces 2,750 euros gross per monthaccording to the Observatory of Military Life, which would correspond to some 38,500 euros gross per year Distributed in 14 payments without taking into account the retention of the IRPF or the social security contributions. These are middle salaries regardless of complements or seniority.
This figure refers to Lieutenants or Ship Ensign, while if we talk about Lieutenant General – the highest ranks – the salary rises to 76,020 euros gross per year in the same cases as the previous case.
As for the specific complement, this consists of the general component and the unique component. The general component is perceived depending on the employment that is following a hierarchical order within each category.
It is that part of the Specific complement where the military will notice the difference. In the case of a lieutenant he will become 596.09 euros per month. The amount for lieutenants will become 1,761.83 euros.
According to Royal Decree 1314/2005, of November 4, which approves the regulation of remuneration of the Personnel of the Armed Forces, the employment complement of a lieutenant in Spain is 362.50 euros.
It is estimated that each triennium has a value of 51.07 euros and the destination complement.
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