If we think of popular clothing stores in Spain, some of the Inditex group such as Zara or Bershka, in addition to others such as Mango or Primark.
The latter is known for offering products at lower prices than most competition, allowing different groups of society to access fashion garments, textile basics and other elements for a minor cost than in other brands.
As indicated on the Primark website, the Fundanda company in Ireland has more than 80,000 employees distributed in 17 countries in Europe and the United States. In Spain there are more than 60 stores distributed throughout the territory that, in which, today, the textile group continues to expand.
It is almost impossible that a person in our country does not know Primark, since its affordable prices and variety of styles, sizes and other characteristics make May your clientele be extensive.
However, the other face of the currency, the one behind the counter and inside the warehouses, is not so well known with respect to figures and more specifically, As for salaries. If you want to know how much a primark worker charges, we tell you next.
How much does a raw worker charge?
To answer this issue we must go to Collective Agreement of Primark that is published in the BOE. In it the latest modifications and Improvements of workers’ retributions From this company to several levels. “Group -based wages contemplated in this Collective Agreement and the Personal Base Salary Complement (CPSB) will be increased with date of effects of January 1 of each year,” can be read.
Thus, these are Primark workers’ salaries that employees should have in 2025 as indicated in their agreement currently.
Group 0: 16,620.38 euros per year and 9.39 euros per hour
Group I: 19,187.76 euros per year and 10.84 euros per hour
Group II: 21,620.02 euros per year and 12.21 euros per hour
Group III: 24,322.51 EUOS per year and 13.74 euros per hour
To know what type of worker is Each group, in the collective agreement the following ‘professional classification system of working people’ is specified:
· Group 0 = Base Personal Group.
Group I: Professional Group.
· Group II: Coordination Group.
· Group III: Group controls.
Complements in the salary of Primark workers
The aforementioned collective agreement also establishes which complements the worker can receive, added to his base salary: «The working people from January 1, 2023, will be entitled to Subscriber Personal Complement Paymentin accordance with the provisions of this article and the fifth additional provision ». These are the amounts:
· First four -year: 255.79 euros.
· Second four -year: 225.98 euros.
· Third four -year period: 201.94 euros.
· Fourth and successive fourth: 192.32 euros.
In addition, they exist You are extraordinaryon which the following is indicated: “The annual remuneration established in this Collective Agreement is understood as express provision collected in this Collective Agreement, distributed in fifteen payments, the extraordinary payments in twelve monthly payments are being processed.”
Night and work on Sundays and/or holidays
In turn, an extra is also applied in the salary by hours of nightlife, or for working in Sundays and/or holidays: «The night will be paid with the calculated nightlife on the Ordinary time value increased by 25%unless the work is nocturnal by its very nature ».
«The effective work on Sunday or commercial opening holiday, as long as the employee provides services for more than three days of work a week in annual computation, will be paid to the rate of 40 euros gross for every Sunday or festive effectively worked ». In addition, it is indicated that workers who provide services under this system in “a number of less than six hours of effective provision will receive the amount indicated above, depending on the hours effectively carried out on Sunday and/or festive, that is, pro rata. When the hours effectively worked on Sunday and/or holidays correspond to two different days, it will also be paid to pro rata, without In no case can the maximum amount of 40 euros set be exceeded in the previous paragraph ».
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