How many beers a day do you have to drink to be considered alcoholism?

Several people toast with beer. / fotolia

Excessive consumption can cause serious consequences in the body and create a dependency on this drink

Beer has become one of the most popular drinks in the world. Its consumption is widespread in countries like Spain, where it has a long tradition and custom. Beer is one of the preferred options by consumers, especially when the good weather arrives. Having a beer with a tapa is already a tradition in Spain and cannot be missed at parties and gatherings. However, when it comes to alcohol, it should always be taken in moderation and responsibly. Excessive intake on a frequent basis can cause serious health consequences, such as alcoholism.

Although alcohol is not considered as harmful as other drugs, it can become an addiction that leads to alcoholism. This disease creates a dependency on these drinks that produce a psychological effect of disinhibition and euphoria. Alcohol, widely used in social contexts, allows many to put aside their shyness and fear of ridicule for a few hours. But do not forget that drinking almost unconsciously can destroy your life and that of your loved ones.

Find out why you shouldn't drink beer in a pitcher or iced glass

How many beers is considered alcoholism, according to the WHO

From the Higher Center for Scientific Research (CSIC) they indicate that in order not to put your health at risk you should drink a maximum of one and two beers a day. This is the data that is estimated so that its intake is not harmful, but the amount that is considered to lead to alcoholism is different. The World Health Organization (WHO) determines that when a person exceeds 1,250 ml per day, that is, 4 or 5 beers, it can be considered alcoholism. For this reason, you should take into account if you regularly exceed this limit and if, in addition, drinking has become a habit that you cannot avoid. In these cases it is important to see a specialist. This disease, unlike physical ones, requires a lot of willpower on the part of the patient to ensure that alcohol does not take control of his life.

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