Accessing housing is once again the main problem for Catalans, a concern that has not been perceived with such intensity since 2007, in the midst of the real estate bubble. This is detected by the barometer of the CEO of the Generalitat, which this Tuesday presented its third annual study, where 20% of those surveyed indicate the problem of finding a house as a priority.
Concern about housing is even more pronounced by age group, since up to a third of young people between 25 and 34 years old point it out as the main problem. By affinity, voters of all parties except those on the extreme right place housing in first position, although for the voters of the Comuns it is a very majority concern (49%) while for those of the PP it is much less so (17% ).
The second problem pointed out by the CEO is dissatisfaction with politics, which worries 13% of those surveyed, followed by citizen insecurity (8%), health (8%), unemployment (7%), the functioning of the economy (7%) and immigration (7%).
Illa would win the elections easily again
Estimation of seats in the Parliament of Catalonia
November 2024 CEO Poll. Majority in 68 seats
In the electoral part, the CEO presents a political scenario with few changes in the Parliament. President Salvador Illa would win the elections again, maintaining 42 seats or losing up to three. A result that, however, would keep it well ahead of the second, Junts, which could drop slightly from its current 35 seats to between 30 and 32.
For its part, ERC would maintain its current 20 seats, and could even improve one, exactly the same as what happens to the PP, with 15 current seats and the possibility of 16; and to the Comuns, with 6 now that could be one more in new elections. The CUP aspires to improve and of the 4 seats it maintains in the current chamber it could add one or even two more. Vox shows a slight downward trend, since its current 11 could become 10.
The most pronounced trend is the rise of Aliança Catalana, the far-right party with an independence discourse, which would rise from its current two deputies to between 6 and 7. One piece of information that the CEO also provides about this party is that its electorate is not in absolute cohesion on the national issue: up to 40% of Aliança voters claim to be against the independence of Catalonia.
On the global stage, interest in the independence issue has deflated in all the parameters measured by the CEO. Relations between Catalonia and Spain are no longer an important problem as they had been years ago and are now only indicated by 5% of those surveyed as their main concern.
Furthermore, the margin between supporters and detractors of independence continues to widen in favor of those who support it. According to the CEO’s data, only 40% of Catalans today say they are in favor of secession, while those against total 54%.
#Housing #main #problem #Catalans #time #bubble #CEO