The approval of reform of the Highway Code it hasn't arrived yet, and to tell the truth there's still no certainty about what the timing will be. What is certain, however, is that the controversies that have arisen in recent weeks regarding the new regulation have not been few. And in many cases the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure he hasn't digested these controversiesas emerges from some sources of the ministry itself.
MIT defends itself
“The Highway Code on which Parliament will express its opinion is the result of numerous comparisons, also with dozens of associations and institutional subjects: after decades of waiting, at the instigation of the deputy prime minister and minister Matteo Salvini, the rules have been updated with some innovations already present abroad such as the alcohol lock. The hope is that there will be rapid approval – the note reported by Ansa – The controversies of the last few hours are disconcerting: they appear as yet another attempt by the left to always and only say No”.
The disputed measures
We remember that in recent weeks not only the opposition, but also associations, mayors and committees have been on the front line to attack the new Highway Code. In particular, the first dispute concerns the limitations for i new drivers, which increase from one to three years but which provide that in this period the latter will be able to drive more powerful vehicles, i.e. cars up to 75 kW/t and cars up to 105 kW/t. Then there is the chapter Speed Cameras: in recent days we have already talked about the stop to multiple fines if speeding detected by electronic control devices is recorded on the same stretch of road and within the same time; Added to this is the greater difficulty in their installation, with the obligation of periodic functionality and calibration checks.
Pedestrians and cyclists
Another contested point of the reform concerns pedestrians and cyclists, which will no longer have priority in pedestrian areas: for those who drive a motor vehicle permitted for circulation, explains the newspaper, the only thing left is the obligation to pay particular attention. As for the creation of new cycle paths, however, the powers of mayors and local administrators are greatly diminished, since a decree from the Ministry of Infrastructure will establish the conditions for the construction of these lanes. Cars will have to overtake bicycles while maintaining at least one and a half metres of distance? Yes, but only if road conditions allow it, we read about the reform.
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