A couple of weeks ago a multiplayer arrived to break the mold, that is helldivers 2the latest Arrowhead release that caused a stir because this time the franchise was not only released for the PlayStation 5 but also for Steam, and that was exactly the key to its great success. However, everything that goes up must come down at some point, so the peak number of players has been recorded as falling abruptly, although that does not mean that it has remained at zero.
According to data shared by steamDB, helldivers 2 has not managed to exceed 100,000 simultaneous players since May 12. It reached a maximum of only 76,000 at the beginning of this week, so it is a big drop compared to previous months, something that could be seen coming, since it happens with all the games on the market except for some that pass the test of time like Fortnite either League of Legends.
Here is the title description:
Do you believe in freedom? Can you stand up to oppression and defend the defenseless? Fight a war for peace. Die for democracy.
Join forces with up to three friends and wreak havoc on the ranks of the alien trash that threatens the safety of your home planet, Super Earth, in this cooperative multiplayer shooter for PS5 and PC, developed by Arrowhead Game Studios.
Step into the boots of Helldiver, an elite soldier whose mission is to spread peace, freedom and Protected Democracy using the most enormous and explosive tools in the entire galaxy.
Helldivers don’t start a mission without adequate reinforcements, but it’s up to you how and when to call for them. Not only do you have a variety of super-powered main weapons and customizable arsenals, but you can also use stratagems during matches.
It is worth mentioning that in his most notable times helldivers 2 managed to catch more than 300,000 players. Is available in PS5 and PC through Steam.
Via: Icon Era
Author’s note: That always happens with multiplayer games out of fashion. Then, it will be time for those who really became fans to remain on their servers.
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