“Medical-legal litigation, exhausting shifts, insufficient training, poor economic recognition: national and regional institutions must take charge of the problem of young people who no longer choose to specialize in surgery. If in 2023 almost 55% of scholarships for specialization in General Surgery were not assigned, it means that there is a huge problem in this country: in a few years, not decades, operating rooms will close due to a lack of surgeons. An absence evidently desired by someone, not chosen by our young people. Because a system that does not worry about the current scenario, the difficulties that surround those who choose this profession, is a system destined to fail. And it will fail because young people will choose other branches of medicine, or will work in the private sector or, worse, will go abroad while we, already today, spend our time recruiting healthcare personnel from abroad. All this is paradoxical”. This is what the new president of the Association of Italian Hospital Surgeons (Acoi), Vincenzo Bottino, said, announcing in a note the request for meetings, starting next week, with the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and all the regional presidents.
“We want to make it clear to those who govern the country – he underlines – that the choices that will be made today will have a violent impact on people’s lives. If things continue like this, citizens of many Italian regions will find themselves in a few years facing closed operating rooms”.
Acoi, “the largest scientific society of hospital surgery in Italy, will obviously do its part as always – Bottino concludes – starting next autumn we will organize meetings for discussion, training, awareness-raising towards students, towards patient associations and towards the Institutions to make them understand the real risk that the National Health Service is running but also to thank the young surgeons for their courage, their self-denial, for the meaning they give to our profession, that is, saving human lives. But we also expect maximum commitment from the Institutions”.
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