(Adnkronos) – “Uap is an entity that brings together all healthcare at a national level. For the first time we have come together to demonstrate a clear will towards the government with clear proposals so that healthcare, both public and private, is finally saved, as I guarantee that within two years the public will no longer exist, if we continue in this direction and I am surprised that the government is not yet ready and aware of it”. This was said by Mariastella Giorlandino, president of Uap – National Union of Ambulatory, Polyclinics, Institutions and Private Hospitals, on the occasion of the national demonstration to protect private contracted facilities for efficient and safe healthcare at the service of the citizen, promoted by Uap – National Union of Ambulatory, Polyclinics, Institutions and Private Hospitals, which brought together the entire sector in Rome to defend the professional dignity of the private sector.
#Healthcare #Giorlandino #Uap #United #save #healthcare