A total of 35 and 40 hours. This will be the weekly working day in 2025 for workers in the health system in the Aragonese community (SALUD), as approved today by the Government Council.
The economic cost of this reduction in working hours is estimated at 8.9 million of euros by 2025, in which it goes from 36 hours and 20 minutes to 35 hours and 40 minutes per week.
In this way, the ordinary work day for the staff is established, on an annual basis, at 1,437 hours for the day shift, while it is set at 1,370 hours for the night shift and 1,428 hours for the rotating shift with 42 effective nights. of work.
Furthermore, in general, the current work shifts are maintained. However, the reduction in hours represents around 4 more days of release per year.
This reduction in working hours is part of the agreement reached between the unions and the previous Government of Aragon, chaired by the socialist Javier Lambán, to reduce the working day, so that it would go from 37 hours to 35 hours a week, which will be reached in 2026 in accordance with what is stated in the “Proposed agreement for the improvement of Health in Aragon”.
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