Health confirms six measles cases in Toledo, two of them in toilets

The Government of Castilla-La Mancha has confirmed six cases of measles and three under study in the province of Toledo. This has been found at a press conference, to the media questions, the spokesperson of the Autonomous Government, Esther Padilla.

Five of these cases correspond to health hospital in Toledo, two of them already confirmed and three under study.

Four confirmed cases correspond to people external to the health field.

The Ministry of Health has monitored confirmed cases to see if they have been able to have contact with other people. People who have had contact have been recommended vaccination and professionals who have been able to have contact with infected, use the FFP2 mask.

This year, from the Health Administration, measles vaccination to those born after 1970 is recommended. “Follow -up, vaccination recommendation and protection of professionals who may have contact with other people,” said the spokesperson.

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