“Once the disease develops, treatment is not particularly effective, while vaccination, especially with the new recombinant vaccines recently acquired, are very effective and the effectiveness is maintained over time. They are therefore strongly recommended.” These are the words of Giuseppe Bellelli, professor of Geriatrics at the Milan Bicocca University and director of the Uoc Geriatrics of the Irccs San Gerardo dei Tintori of Monza, on the sidelines of the conference entitled “Staying healthy thanks to vaccination prevention in adults: the example of vaccine against Herpes Zoster”, organized with the patronage of the Lombardy Region and the Higher Institute of Health and with the non-conditional support of GSK. Today’s meeting was the first stage of the vast campaign promoted by the Longevitas Foundation with the aim of improving people’s quality of life, optimizing and reducing healthcare spending through the development of healthy longevity, allowing important savings to be reinvested healthy.
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