Andrea Faustini died at just 30 years old after a simple surgery
The young man Andrea Faustini passed away at the age of 30, after 10 days of agony. The boy had undergone a routine operation, but something went wrong. Currently, five doctors have been entered in the register of suspects.
Surgery fails and Andrea Faustini dies
Andrea Faustini It is the name of a boy who unfortunately passed away a few hours ago at the age of only 30 years. It all happened at the Poliambulanza Clinic of Brescia where the young man had gone to remove a simple polyp in endoscopy.

The operation took place on July 17th but unfortunately, on Sunday July 28th, the young man breathed his last. This is because some complications which would have required a new emergency operation and then hospitalization in intensive care. This lasted about 10 days, long moments in which Andrea fought for his life. The Brescia Public Prosecutor’s Office he then decided to open a file and proceed with the necessary investigations under the direction of the PM Claudia Passalacqua.
Five doctors investigated for manslaughter
It is not yet known what happened to the young Andrea, but only the outcome will reveal this. of the autopsy. In the meantime five doctors involved in the boy’s surgical operation were registered in the Register of suspects as accused of manslaughter.

Autopsy tests will be carried out next week and it is hoped that they will be able to shed light on the causes of the death of the boy. Andrea’s death has shocked the entire community of Logged in and all the friends and relatives gathered together to share the boy’s grief.
Even the parish priest of the village has decided to express his opinion message of condolence towards this young life that, once again, has been taken from life too soon. We await further updates.
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